Bokuto K. --> Owl Hugs

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Your sitting with your boyfriend Bokuto in his bed. He's been feeling down for a coupke hours. He had a rough practice and made a fool of himself. Now hes holding you in his arms as he keeps sulking. Your placed between his legs, his arms securely wrapped around you and his face smushed into your back.

"Bo you can't keep sulking. Im sure the team understands" you sighed staring into the emptiness of your phone.

"But i messed up, i made a fool of myself, im not worth being their captain. Im not even worth being your boyfriend" He mumbled.

Your eyes widened. This shocked you. Now you knew this was way more than just a messy practice.

"Bo, what did you do today?" You calmed your breathing so he didnt sense any reason to be afraid.

"Why are you changing the subject so suddenly? Didnt you hear me? Im not good enough..."

"No, i heard you loud and clear but like i asked, what did you do today?"

He huffed before answering vaguely.

"I went to my classes then went to lunch and headed to practice"

"Details Koutarou" You felt him tense as his grip tightened ever so slightly.

"I went to my main classes then headed to the cafeteria to meet you for lunch. After lunch i stopped b-by my locker and then-"

"What happened at your locker Bo?"

"Nothing why are you asking?"

"Im not an idiot Bokuto now tell me who said what at your locker?"

"I was talking to Akaashi and then this guy came up, he asked if we knew you since he sees us around you alot. We had said yes when he asked to get your number. I was so shocked so Akaashi had to tell him i was with you. Once he found out, he called me worthless and that you would leave soon. He told me im not worth keeping and that you would drop me for someone even slightly better."

Now shifting in his arms you turned yourself in front of him. Sitting on your knees staring at this beautiful man.

"Bo, this is what caused you to act up in practice? Im sorry that he said that to you but next time address it with me because i am not leaving you. Im never leaving you! I love you Bokuto Koutarou. Your the only person i need in my life." You placed a hand on his cheek as you leaned in for a kiss. His lips practically crashing onto yours as his arms wrapped around your torso.

"You are mine, i claim you as mine forever. You cant leave me okay? You keep me going. Now everyday you are required to wear my Jersey so peopke know we are together!"

"Bo its gonna get dirty. Im not denying i like the idea of wearing your Jersey though" with a smirk planted on his face he layed you down before hovering above you.

"You and me forever, Baby owl"

"You and me"

He layed on top of you holding you close. You fell asleep peacefully in his arms.


Sort of rushed.

Thank you for reading i love and appreciate you all.

I promise to update more!

Remember i love you and your worth something!

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