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My name is Alexandra, I'm 18 years old, and I was born and raised in Romania. A country from Europe . I live with my family , my parents and my little brother,David. Now, I'm studying to become a doctor, specifically a neurosurgeon. I dreamed of this since I was a kid, I played with stethoscopes (toy versions) and I wanted to be like every surgeon from the series. Today, my father arrived from work, it's currently 14:58 . It's a beautiful day , and its saturday.
F:I'm back home!Do you guys want to go to see your grandparents? Tomorrow is The Christmas day, and I wanted to make them a surprise . So, what do you say?
D:Yes! Let's go!
A:Of course,dad. You know that we would like that. Ley is prepare our baggage and then we'll get ready to go.
F:Of course, sweetheart. I'll wait for you guys in the car.
My family is simple but crazy, I love them. My dad is from Giurgiu, neajlov  specifically. He's a little temperamental, I actually think like him, on the calm side, and his name is Stan. My mom is from Moldova, and specifically Roşu, she is pale, with cute little freckles all over her face.her name is doiniţa.
I have the curly hair from her,my body proportions  and my angry side . My brother is the youngest boy in our family,hes currently 8 years old. Sometimes he can be a harsh person, a shady bitch, but overall hes a ball of cuteness, kindness and gorgeousness. Me ,on the other hand, I'm the oldest granddaughter of the family, and of course they have lots of expectations. I'm really shy, I dont really have friends because .... they dont have the same interests  and sometimes people even calls me a nerd or the boring girl . I dont really care, I just study for my dream, and that's all. I'm 168, and I love to read books,I love indie songs. Practically, I'm the quiet girl. Enough on the informations, let's start, shall we?
Anyways , we're not that rich, we're kinda  on the middle class, and we dont mind that. We were always thought that if you have something to eat and somewhere to sleep ,its all that matters for us. That's why the 2 nd reason I'm studying really hard is that I want to buy my family the house that we live in. Currently we stay in rent,but we fight for 5 years straight to buy it. From that moment, I swore to myself that my family is Gonna have everything they need, I want only the best for them. I want to make my parents proud, and to keep the promise that I said to myself.

Anyways, after we got ready we got the baggage in the car and we were ready to go to the countryside. One thing that love is to get my headphones and to listen to different songs while watching all the amazing paintings from the nature.
After the time flew a bit, my dad interrupted my thoughts and the silence by asking if we wanted to choose a song to play.
A:-You know that I like everything you play, but please don't-
A:-And there he goes again.
My dad's favorite types of songs are colindă-practically traditional christmas songs. But he has a favorite and the last time he played that song for 6 times.
D:-You know that the first sing has to be dad's favorite, you cant compete with that .
A:Yea, I totally forgot that,oops!my bad. I should've known by now.
We both laughed.
And , the usual thing, my dad played the same fricking since the moment we arrived. Thank god, I couldn't resist listening to that song all over again!

Let me know if you like these types of stories. I'll continue the other one soon,don't worry. I dont post often because we have so much to do,I'm not even kidding. Also keep in mind that English is not my first language and kn still able to make some grammar mistakes. Thank you for understanding!

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