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After we got out of the car, dad went to park his car.
My grandma was so happy that we came. Her smile is my everything.
Gma-My kids! You finally came! What a surprise! Come, you guys must be cold. Let's all go to the kitchen.
Gpa- my kids are all here just in time for the christmas, I thank my God for everything, he fulfilled  my wish..
A:Come on grandpa, it's getting cold outside, let's go to the kitchen!
Gpa-Yes, it actually is. Let's go sweetheart.
After we all went there , I saw that my cousin and my uncle and aunt was there too.
Diana is the 2nd granddaughter and shes 15 years old now. Shes basically like me, but in a younger version.
D:-We were all waiting for you guys! I'm so excited that you came, Alexandra! I have a lot to say to you!
A:We have a lot to catch up for sure, but we have time for that to talk, right?
D:Of course,my favorite cousin of all time and is really beautiful!
A:Haha, you want to go for a walk, right?
D:How did you know?
A:you always do that when you want something from me...I know you too well.
D:Okay,now let's go!
A:okay , dummy. Wait , I have to drink a little bit of water.
D:okay but fast!
Sound of drinking  water~~~
A:Now I'm ready, let's go.
A:-Mom, were gonna take a walk!
Mom:Okay but come for dinner!
A:Yes, of course.Bye!
After 7 minutes of walk, we got to a lake and there it's a road and grass.We stay still but after 2 minutes of arriving, I break the awkward silence by saying:
A- So, are you okay? What happened?
D:Nothing, everything is fine.
A:Dia, I know you very well, and I also know when something is wrong with you.
D:...Is it that obvious...?
A:...you're holding your key necklace. You're always doing that when something's wrong... now tell me everything.
D:I know it's my first year at highschool but I find it really difficult to interact.. I don't have any friends and sometimes my colleagues makes fun of me by saying:"shes such a weirdo " ...
A:It happened to me too.. the thing is that you have to talk with someone at least... your mental health is gonna be pressured when you dont interact of communicate.. but:anytime you need someone, just to let you know that I'm here... right?
D:yeah.. you're right..
A:Find someone you trust or who has the same interests like you, in this way you could have friends!
D:That actually is a good idea.... thank you.
A:You don't have to...now I dont like this sad moments.. I dint like your sad face.. hm, let's get hot chocolate from the store! My treat!
Suddenly her face was filled with a smile, a warm smile.
D-Yes! I want!!
A:okay okay, now i like that smile. That should remain on your face..
When we got ready to leave,our 2 nd aunt called us from behind, shes back from work.
Aunt-I missed you guys! I know that only a month passed but.. you grew up. Time flies fast! Now, I will make hit chocolate home for you two!let's go!
My aunt is staying with my grandma in the countryside along with her son, my cousin . Shes almost 50, also doesnt look like shes a 50 year old women! Shes happy, funny, and caring. Whenever we came shes all for us, and never mad. Shes probably one of the most calm people in the earth.
In our way home, we heard a gunshot . My heart bounced so hard... it never happens here..
But it is more strangely when it's close to my grandma's place... but wait... who are these people?
When we open the door, I see dad and 3 people.
The first one is in the middle, maybe the older one. Hes wearing a black suit, which also looks expensive.   The guy is is the front of my dad, and the 2 men that  I saw was looking more like  bodyguards.
A:Dad? What's-
S:Get in your uncle's room!
S:I said now!
My aunt and Dia ran to my uncle's room, when they opened the door, everyone was there, including my mom.
She was crying, my brother was scared.. my heart sank when I saw that.
When i went there too, every member was scared. My heart was bouncing so hard... it nearly got off my chest..
Gma-How did this happen...? Did you know about it?
Mom-No, I didnt... if I knew I would do everything I cant to escape . ..
● outside
The gray old man was named James,I heard from outside.
J:Tell me now, why were you late?
S:Its just a day, I promise that I will give you the money!!
J:Don't fool me around, Nidelea, you know that you still have debt . Give me  the money in 5 days and then your family and you is safe. Or , to think about.. give me everything now.
S:But...I dont have enough!
J:Look, I gave you time and now its expired. Give me the  rest of the money now!
I could see in his eyes that he wasn't a good person, a furious face.... what did dad do in order to anger him so hard?
S:Please give me a bit more  time,I promise that I would give you your money.
J:I don't have time for this. You give me my money now, or you're dead. I thought we were over this!
I was so shocked to see dad kneel to someone... he is the most responsible person in the world..
Suddenly, the bodyguard on the left got his gun , he was ready to shoot at any time.
I panicked.. I was not able to breathe, God help me ...
J:Now get up, I dont want you to kneel that fast.
My dad got up, his face was so sad, and his eyes were describing pain, fear .

I decided that on every episode I'm gonna make a thing named: song of the episode. Each episode will have at the end a song that I listened to today.

Today is:December 17th,2020
The time in the story:2017.
Wheres my love-SYML the original version.

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