Capter 1

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It was a beautiful morning in Thunderclan. It was late Newleaf and there hadn't been snow in weeks. Grass was growing all around, the sun was shining, and flowers were blooming.
On this beautiful day a cream tom was sleeping in his den when he heard his leader yowl.

Berrypaw stretched and walked to see what was happening. What he saw made an flash of joy go through him. Jaykit was having his apprentice ceremony!! He had already made a nest for him right beside his. He couldn't wait for the cold nights where they would affectionately cuddle to keep warm.

As Berrypaw purred from the thought the ceremony began. " Three kits have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for them to be apprenticed. Jaykit do you pledge loyalty to Thunderclan, Starclan, and the warrior code" "I do" said Jaypaw in a bored tone "Then from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Jaypaw. Your mentor will be Brightheart. I hope Brightheart will pass down all she knows on to you." Berrypaw didn't listen to the other two apprentice ceremony. He wouldn't care if they went and jumped in the lake. But since they are Jaypaw's litter mates he probable should care.

As Berrypaw tried to greet him he kept getting pushed out of the way from his other clan mates who also wanted to congratulate jaypaw. By the time he got to the front Jaypaw was already walking out of camp.

"Oh well" he thought I can talk to him when he goes to the apprentice den to sleep tonight.


Jaypaw's POV

It was way past sun high when Jaypaw tiredly walked into the apprentice den. He had two choices of where to sleep. By his siblings or by the very annoying, arrogant, and dump Berrypaw who had offered him a space. He obviously chose his siblings. They would be quiet while he slept instead of boasting all night long like Berrypaw. "Ashfur is so cool" Lionpaw mewed with pride. " He showed me the whole territory and how to hunt." "Are you joking with me?" Said Hollypaw with even more pride than lionpaw" I'm pretty sure brackenfur is a waaay better mentor that he could ever be." On second thought maybe Berrypaw was an better option

Jaypaw suddenly got up and sat in the empty nest beside Berrypaw. He noticed the nest had blue jay feathers carefully woven in the moss that made it up and was practically a part of Berrypaw's nest. When he sat down he heard a small gasp from Berrypaw.

"So do you want to be friends?" Berrypaw then said. Jaypaw was annoyed by the second word of his sentence but when he could feel waves nervousness and awkwardness radiating from him. "Maybe being arrogant made him have no friends" Jaypaw thought. "No" he said after a moment of hesitation If Berrypaw had no friends it was his own fault.

The next day Jaypaw woke up to warmth all around him. Something heavy and fluffy was smooshing him. When Jaypaw tried to wiggle out from underneath the mysterious object it shifted "Sorry Jaypaw!!" The big fluffy object that was on top of him was just Berrypaw. He had somehow rolled on to him while sleeping he guessed. When Jaypaw got up after Berrypaw moved Jaypaw felt red hot anger and jealousy coming from Honeypaw and Poppypaw. "Whats wrong with them. Maybe they were being dumb and fighting over mentors like Hollypaw and Lionpaw" he thought. "But what about the jealousy??"

Because I Love You (Jayfeather x Berrynose)Where stories live. Discover now