•𝗔 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗧𝗼 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗲𝘁•

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So, quick A/N: So, flashbacks will be in italics and will have a... shall we say... steamy moment? But nothing too graphic.

Enjoy! 💞


Nikki's POV, November 15th 1986

Fuck, man... my head... what the hell happened last night? All I remember is going out with Vince, Mick and Tom and getting completely shit-faced, that wasn't unusual, it happened at least twice a week.

Wait, I think I remember.... I know that when we first got to the bar Vince went and got us all a bottle of whiskey each... we then sat and discussed finishing the album we were currently working on 'Girls, Girls, Girls' and the tour which would follow... then Vince left the table to go and pick up a chick which he'd seen at the bar, cause y'know... he's Vince... the biggest man-whore alive.

While Vin was wooing women Tommy and I sat made conversation and drank with Mick for a couple of hours until Mick decided to leave saying he needed to get back as he'd promised his girlfriend he'd be back him by 23:00, we bid him goodbye and watched as he left the bar.

That then left Tommy and I.

I remember us sitting and chatting, what about I'm not sure but it was something... then I remember we'd finished our bottles of whiskey so Tommy went to the bar and got us 5 shots each, deciding we weren't drunk enough, once he got the shots we had a competition to see who could down them quicker, a competition I believe I won.

After that, like the modest, humble man I am began rubbing my victory in Tommy's face which was probably quite obnoxious but we were at this point completely wasted so I don't think it flagged, then... er, then when I'd shut up I remember Tommy looking at me... not like in a 'you're an asshole' way but he just had a look in his eye... a look we'd shared a lot since we met which I hated to admit because it was almost lusty in nature.

Usually, that would be it... usually we'd share a look like that then shrug it off and pretend it never happened- I can't let him look at me like that and I certainly can't return that look because that would mean I want to fuck my best friend.

Usually that's what would happen anyway, we'd just move on.... but this time Tommy didn't....

Oh, fuck... now I remember.

Tommy wouldn't stop staring at me and eventually I ended out asking if he was alright because I was beginning to get worried about him, he didn't respond to my question he just kept staring, in my drunk state I let him... I even found myself maintaining eye contact with the drummer when most of the time I'd avoid it at all costs.

We just stare into one another's eyes for what felt like an eternity then Tommy moved closer to me, our eyes still not leaving the others, he was only inches away from me and the entire atmosphere around us then changed.

I felt it, so did Tommy.

The drummer went nervous all of a sudden but he made no effort to move away, his eyes then slowly travel from mine down toward my lips. If we were sober this wouldn't have happened and I never would have allowed what happened next...

Tommy took a breath then without warning a second of warning lunged forward and kissed me.

I remember freezing for a second but before I knew it I was kissing him back, I then even went as far to pull him onto my lap so he was straddling me as we made out on the corner of this bar.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 𝗢𝗳 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 🤍 Where stories live. Discover now