Hero's vs Villan's

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Todo POV

(First day of UA)

I walked up to UA and stared at the huge building in-front of me. I don't usually get amazed but this school was huge, the building was over 3 story's high and had hug glass walls that had a blue tint to them. The entrance had three doors that had the numbers 1, 2, and 3 on them. I decided to walk through the 2. The building was even fancy on the inside. I just tried to ignore it and just get to class. I looked for class 1-A and when I found the classroom I walked for the unusually large door into class.

I was there quite early so there wasn't many students in class. The only people who were there was an angry looking blond boy and another uptight blue haired boy. I sat down at the very back of the class hoping to not cause attention to myself. I tend to like being alone and quiet...I guess I'm just a very secluded person. I waited for class to start and more students came flooding in.

Eventually a boy with bright red, spiky hair walked into class. He looked a bit nervous but hid it was a determined smile. He looked around the class as if he's looking for someone his gaze stoped when he looked at a pink skinned girl with horns. His face lit up and he and girl waved at each other. He walked over to her deck and they started talking. I bet they like each other, I mean that's usually how people react around people they have a crush on... I'm not the best with emotions so I mainly rely on the internet to know how feelings work.

I kept on looking at the Red haired boy...I felt weird looking at him. His skin was tan, he had really sharp teeth, and his hair was his most notable trait but the thing that interested me the most was the small scar above his right eye. I also had a scar on my eye but it was on my left and was much bigger and a reddish color. His looked like more of a traditional scar that just looked a like a cut on his upper eyelid. He then smiled at the girl and it was so bright I swear he harnessed the fucking sun. The girl then made a dramatic remark about his smile blinding her though I guess with his smile it isn't so dramatic. The boys smile faded into a shy smirk. Right as the he was going to say something our teacher came into class.

Get in you seats and shut it. Everyone immediately went to their seats. Hello I'm Mr.Aizawa and I will be your teacher for the time being. He looked at all of us and sighed. He told us we needed to do a quirk assessment test. I think I did pretty good, not for my dad's standards but I honestly don't care.

   The kid I now know as Kirishima was in 8th of the class witch didn't surprise me. His quirk was that he would harden his body like a rock so it didn't really help with movement or strength. My quirk was the power of ice and fire but I never use my fire so basically just ice. I could glide on my ice and so movement was pretty easy. Even though He was in 8th place he looked proud of himself well to be fair there are 20 people in the class and 5 of them are crazy good so with his quirk I'm proud of him to. We went back inside and our teacher went to sleep. We waited for little bit and our second teacher "All Might" came in he said we were going to try on our hero outfits and fight each other in a building.

   My hero Costume was plain white pants, shirts, and boots. I had shoulder bands around my well shoulder that were a plain peach color but my coolest feature was the ice covering my left side. I fought before but I always had a time where in almost used my fire and the ice helps me know not to use it. I couldn't stop thinking about the boy so I looked over to him and immediately regretted it. Why was he shirtless?! What kind of hero costume is that?! Okay well if we ignore his chest he as red shoulder pads that are in the shape of cogs. He had black baggy pants with red boots. He also had a belt that was connected to a weird cape thing. I think his outfit is stupid but I can't really do anything about that.

   I was a hero and the goal was to touch the fake bomb that the villains were protecting. (I know this didn't happen in canon but I'm going to make it Kirishima&Sero VS Todoroki&Shoji)
I was fighting Kirishima and a boy with tape dispenser elbows. My teammate Shoji's quirk is  multi arms it's a bit gross but mostly cool. Shoji used his quirk and informed me that they were both on the top floor on the right side and that they both had there arms exposed. I thought that the best course of action was to freeze the building. They could brake there feet put but there arms would be to cold and I'm planing on them forfeiting. I told shoji to steep out because freezing the building is quite dangerous.

   I froze the building and told shoji to stay but he insisted on coming. We walked up to the room they were in and I melted the ice around the taped up door with a bit of steam.we walked in to find my ice didn't really work the way I planned it to. There was tape strung all around the room and blocked my ice before it could reach them. The room was silence and I began to question if they were even hear. Right as I was about to melt the ice the ice broke and out came Kirishima with his hardening. Shoji pulled me back before Kirishima wrapped the capture tape around me. Shortly after Sero climbed through the hole Kirishima made. It was know a 2 on 2 battle. Kirishima, Sero, and Shoji were visibly cold as they were shivering. Sero was the one to make the first move and tried to wrap up Shoji in tape. Shoji tried to dodge but got raped up anyway. I was going to freeze the tape when Kirishima tackled me. I wasn't shocked seeing as my plan failed and I was obviously hesitant to do anything. I looked up at him and he looked at me. After a second he smiled and hoped up. I was confused on why he let me go and I realized he wrapped the capture tape around my arms. I looked up at Shoji and he was trying to fight the restrains. But after a little while the cold got to him and he slowed down and Sero got the Capture around him.

  Kirishima steeped back and did a self fist-bump and because he did it with his quirk on it made a clink sound. Good Game! Kirishima smiled another blinding smile. I squinted my eyes and stood up and looked at him. His smile faltered and he gave me a confused look. Your Strong. I nodded my head and left the building.

Kiri POV

   We're doing hero training now and I'm pared up with Sero, he's really cool. We're going up against Todoroki and Shoji. Todoroki seems like the distant type and Shoji seems nice. Sero and I are the villain team so we need to make sure the hero team doesn't touch our (fake) bomb.

   We got a bit of time to set up our base. We went to the very top and went into the room where the bomb was in. We decided that Sero should use his quirk to put tape all over the room. That way we have a bit of time to plane when they eventually come in. We sat down and waited for them to come in when ice came trough the crack in the door. We stood up and we're about to panic when the ice trailed up the tape and stoped not reaching us or the bomb. We let out a relieved sigh.

   Just then I realized how cold it is. It's so cold and the ice wasn't even touching us. Sero looked at me. Wow, Todoroki's quirk is really insane! I nodded my head in agreement. We then heard footsteps. We got in a fighting stance even though the combination of ice and tape make it hard to see the entrance to the room. I saw a flash of red and new that Todoroki was hear. Todoroki seemed to pause. Thats when Sero gave me the signal.

I burst through the ice using my hardening and reached for Todoroki but before I could tape the capture tape around him Shoji came though the door and grabbed Todoroki's arm and flinged him out of my grasp. Sero came through the hole I made and it was now a 2 on 2 battle. We were at a disadvantage seeing as it was freezing.

Sero made the first move and wrapped up Shoji in his tape. Todoroki looked a bit shocked but his expression soon changed to seriousness. As he was about to freeze the tape around Shoji I tackled him. He had a blank look on his face as I stared to wrap him up. He started to look at me, I was confused as to my he didn't try to stop me. As I finished wrapping the capture tape around him I looked at him and smiled. She looked confused before he looked down and saw he was taped up. I ignored him and was about to help Sero when I realized he had Shoji in capture tape already. Shoji looked really worn out, I guess the cold really got to him.

   I took a step back and looked at them. Good Game! I smiled a huge smile and Todoroki stood up and squinted at me. I gave him a confused look. Your strong. Then Todoroki left.

Todoroki called me strong? I mean I guess he of all people wouldn't lie with his bold, head on attitude but it still seems hard to believe. Todoroki the student with the strongest quirk told me I'm strong. I'm happy and confused at the same time and I don't know how to feel about it but know I'm walking back to class still having a huge smile on my face.

(1803 Words)

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