Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

When Robin arrived at the house, disappointed didn't begin to cover how he was feeling. Damp seeped through the walls from the rain outside and the paint on the ceiling was peeling off. Great, he thought, welcome to England...

“So! What do you think Robin?” Christie asked, “Isn't it... beautiful?” she spun around on her heels and lifted her arms up presenting the dump to him.

“Uh... yeah sure. It's uh it's something I guess.”

“Lighten up little bro, it isn't as bad as you say,” her voice faltered slightly and he knew she was lying.

He sighed heavily and stomped upstairs.

“And where do you think you're going mister?”



His room was no better. The windows were filthy, the bed was twisted and rusty and the floor was littered with old newspapers. Ugh, he thought, more cleaning to do.

After clearing the floor and dumping the newspapers in the trash can, the bed seemed like the best option. He had school tomorrow anyway. Sleeping would be good for him.


The morning sun burst through his useless curtains like a tsunami of light. He sure felt like drowning right about now. If only there was water coming through his windows instead – oh wait, there was. The constant drip, drip, drip of the rain had kept him awake. All. Fricking. Night.

He clambered out of his bed even though he would rather stay in it all day due to lack of sleep, and set off on the quest to find the bathroom. It wasn't difficult considering the fact that the house had literally 20 square feet of floor space throughout the whole house. What awaited him behind the door was like a slap to his face.

The toilet was outside. He would have to go outside, in the rain, in the snow, in the hail, in his pyjamas and in his robe, just to get to the toilet. Which was outside.

Christie crept up behind him and pushed him through the door. In his underwear. Robin Brown was stuck outside in the rain, in his underwear. The roar of thunder that followed was so loud that it drowned out the laughter of his new neighbours. Perfect. Now he had to deal with actual people as well as his own conscience screaming at him to run, hide and never look at anyone ever again. So he did.

He ran and hid in the toilet.

It was disgusting. Completely and utterly disgusting. The tiled walls were coated in thick brown slime and Robin didn't even want to think about how it got there. The floor was even worse – if you could call it a floor, that is. When he moved his bare feet, there was a resounding squelch noise and the oozy brown liquid squeezed through his toes. The actual toilet was lost in a brown mist and Robin wanted to puke. So he did

He puked on himself in the toilet.

Talk about a great first day in England...

Heyy x so so so sorry about the lack of Rivalry updates x it just isnt working for me rn x so here's a new story for you guys :) let me know what you think and i will update soon x probably tonight idek x if you guys want Rivalry updates then please say otherwise they probably wont ever get done x love yas F

This story is dedicated to @_beenthere_readthat_ thanks to her help with planning this entire book. (I'll get onto writing it now) and also for her help with pretty much all the character names in Rivalry x

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