Salem [5]

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Chapter 5

            I opened my eyes and got up and stretched, groaning as my bones popped. I felt something around my neck. I reached my neck and found leather strap with what felt like metal rings all the way around my neck.  I tried to pull it off but I received an electric shock.

            “AH! What the hell?” I complained.

            “Sorry about that, but that is for your safety,” John said walking into view.

            “John, what is the meaning of this?” I snapped.

            “Its to prevent your transformation.”

            “What transformation?”

            John sighed and muttered, “He doesn’t remember, he changed prematurely.”

            “What the hell are you talking about John?” I snapped and got up.

            “You are a demon and a feral one at that,” John said irritably.

            “What are you talking about demon, I’m not a demon!” I said panicky.

            John exhaled and grabbed something and unwrapped the leather to reveal a silver cross.

            “Touch it,” John commanded.

            I looked at it and then reached out and touched the silver cross, there was a loud zap and then sizzling. I yanked my hand back in pain; there was a burned imprint of the cross on my hand.

            “You are a demon,” John and wrapping the cross.

            He yanked my injured and inspect it and then he brought the hand to his lips and his tongue darted out and licked the burnt mark and with a hiss the mark healed up leaving a light pink mark behind.

            “How did this happen? How did you do that? How did you survive the fire?” I ranted.

            John sighed, “So many questions.”

            “I am your boyfriend, you need to tell me,” I snapped.

            “Fine, I am a demon as well, more powerful than you, fire cannot hurt me unless it was blessed.  I literally walked out of the fire and sent the town into a panic. I went to find you and I felt a power source and I head toward it and I saw you ripping Anne’s throat out.  I knew I had to do something so I kind of sent the men after you.”

            “I killed Anne?” I croaked.

            “Yep, butchered her. I was kind of glad; I was going to kill her anyways. She made me reveal my identity and that pissed me off. I happened to like that town.”

            “Anne killed by me, demon,” I said woozily and suddenly I saw the ground rushing up at me.

            “Shit!” I heard a curse before blacking out.

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