Part 2: The turn around

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I was walking in the halls, waiting for my soulmate (who I don't even know the name of) to drag me to the bathroom or give me another cut. I feel someone bump into me. I fall on the floor. "He usually doesn't knock me" I say. I look up to see a girl. She has long messy braids and broken glasses. She looks on the verge of tears. "H-h-hey! W-watch where your g-going!" My eyes shine as I say "what did you just say!" She looks at me shocked. We stare at eachother for a little when the dude comes by. "What's going on here kitten" I freeze up. I can't move. I get so scared. What's he gonna do to me? Will he get mad and kill me? Will he kill this girl I just met? I love this girl already- she has to be my soulmate. I can't live with this man anymore! I can't do it! He stares at the girl until everybody leaves the halls. Until the coast it clear for him. He grabs me by my wrist. "N-n-no! Not again! Please don't let him take me! She's my soulmate not you! Let go of me! Please stop stop stop!" I kick and scream louder than ever before. She blinks a few times to realize what's happening. She sighs and pulls out a shocker gun type thing. She puts it up to her head and shocks herself. "AH! What did she do! I don't understand! Please why! Help me please anyone!" I start shouting, hopeless again, until she pops back up. She has a tounge and a long pair of SCIZZORS. "What's this?" The new girl says. I'm confused but scream anyways. I'm now holding onto the door handle not letting go. He's yanking and tugging but I'm doing everything in my power to stop him from taking me. "He's gonna do stuff to me! Help me please I don't want this!" She looks on her other wrist and then smiles "Ohoho! A pretty one! Hey! She's all ours pu$$y!" The girl screams as she runs at me with scizzors. "Ah- huh?" The girl had cut off the fingers of the boy. "Can't grab ya if he doesn't got fingers right! I solved the issue! Woohoo! Kay I'll take my kiss now" she says, feeling accomplished. I scream and she takes me in for a hug! "Toko will explain all the details on what the hell just happened! You can call me Syo tho! Kyehahahahah! I'm the best aren't I? You love me already!" I blush a little...she's right. God I do I've her already. She's amazing. Is my other soulmate a physcopath. "Close your eyes love! It might get a lil messy!" She starts to pick up the dudes fingers. I gag and run into a stall. I sit there contemplating what just happened and I hear her adorable little Syo voice. "All dun! Kyeheheheh! I'll call Toko out she'll explain the details. See ya cutie!" She quickly zaps herself. I fall back in utter confusion...what the fu-

Word count: 538

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