PREFIX || Ivy ( Previously being a Kittypet, she wanted to keep her 'kittypet' name. )
SUFFIX || Heart ( Due to the 'heart' she had put into joining the clan that she did. )
PAST || Before having joined the clans, she was a kittypet. She had eventually wandered close to the borders where the clans lived, her curiosity having gotten the best of her. After befriending one of the clan cats, she got a taste for clan life, soon enough going through the trouble to join one of them.- IDENTITY -
AGE || 18 Moons
SEX || Female
GENDER || She/Her
SEXUALITY || Bisexual
GOOD TRAITS || She's usually quite friendly, and She's doesn't often refuse when someone is to ask for help. She's also quite enthusiastic about doing tasks.
BAD TRAITS || Ivyheart isn't one to have much bravery in certain situations, such as fights. She /also/ is a bit emotional at times, and often grouchy when she doesn't get much sleep- or if it hasn't been a good day for her.
PERSONALITY || Overall, Ivyheart is quite the enthusiastic warrior in her clan. She's friendly towards most everyone, though she does stray away from the kits just due to not having the patience to deal with them. She does her best to stay serious, mostly in fear of judgement from clanmates thanks to her previously being a kittypet.- MENTAL -
LIKES | Ivyheart absolutely adores clan life, and she likes going on patrols much more than she does going hunting. She also likes helping out in the medicine den often.
DISLIKES | She isn't fond of kits, nor is she fond of conflict of any sort. She also isn't exactly a fan of her kittypet past being brought up either.
FEARS || She's absolutely terrified of large bodies of water.- APPEARANCE -
EYES || Round; A bluish-green Color
PELT || Smooth; Grey, her two front paws being colored white however along with the tip of her tail. Her ears are also a bit of a darker grey than the rest of her fur.
OVERALL || Ivyheart has a lean build, her fur fairly thin. Her ears have some fluff behind them still, her tail being quite 'fluffy' as well.
OC Book
RandomOC's that won't be going into my Individual Roleplay just yet... This book is going to be used mainly for tagging purposes.