you are the best thing

376 24 2


30 November 2020

It's just a simple aside made while they're filming a video, but Eddy latches onto it instantly. The words flash on a giant neon sign in his mind.

He doesn't add it to his list or jot it down in his notebook. He doesn't need to, because he goes into action the moment the camera shuts off.

He starts with a text, a hurried hey, can i get your opinion on something real quick? The response is quickand affirmative. He makes more typos than usual but can't be bothered to correct them, too excited to put it in words, to begin to manifest it.

He hits "send" too quickly and adds another - what do u think? And he waits.

It takes all of twenty seconds to get an answer, and the long string of heart-eyes emojis he receives makes him laugh. More messages follow, one right after the other.

I think it's perfect.

I can help if you need it.

Let me make a few phone calls.

When? Do you have a time frame?

Take pictures for me.


On December 20th, Eddy finally clues Brett in. Just a little.

"Just so you know, you're getting your Christmas present early this year."

"Really?" Brett looks amused. "Must be pretty good if you can't wait a few extra days to give it to me."

"I can't exactly wrap it in a box. Just be ready to go out on Wednesday night. And wear something nice," he adds.

Brett's amusement morphs to intrigue. "Seriously?"

"Seriously." They pre-empt their cell phones with a perfectly in-unison shut up, Siri.

He presses further. "Where are we going?"

"Wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you, would it?" Eddy leans down to brush his lips over Brett's forehead. "Trust me, you'll like it."

"That certain, eh?"

Eddy can't help but grin. "Well, it is your idea."

Brett is too baffled to even ask.


"I feel like I'm being kidnapped," Brett deadpans as Eddy helps him out of the back of the Uber and straightens the blindfold he'd put over his eyes for the ride.

"You can take it off in a minute," Eddy promises. "We're here, I just have to walk you inside. One second, I've got something in the - " he motions to the driver to pop the trunk and removes the items he'd placed there earlier. He slings one over his shoulder and carries the other with his right hand, leaving his left free to slide around Brett's waist.

Brett falls quiet as he's led inside, steered by Eddy's arm and occasional instructions - there's a set of stairs here, last one, to the right, almost there, I've got you.

When they reach their destination, Eddy takes a long look at their surroundings and finds himself at a loss for words. He'd been so focused on accomplishing his goal he hadn't considered how he would feel once it happened. He swallows quickly and releases his hold on Brett, setting the cases he'd carried on the floor next to them.

"Is this it? Can I look now?" Brett asks, bouncing on his toes in anticipation. Eddy loves him so much.

"Let me do it." He reaches around Brett's head, loosening the knot in the fabric and letting his fingertips brush over the shell of his ear just to watch the involuntary shiver it causes. "Eyes closed when I take this off, okay? I'll tell you when to open them."

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