You we're a normal....human. A girl who lived in a nice world, you we're a demon slayer, AKA a hunter. But, once you have gotten back from helping your people in your village, your family was murdered by creatures called demon. You were weak back th...
As a girl was sitting on a ship, who had long hair, wearing a F/C kimono with her black haori over her kimono and having a bamboo muzzle over her mouth. She was sitting alone, on the wooden floor as the ship stopped at another location. This girls name was Y/N. Y/N eyes traveling everywhere, looking at every single person on this boat, but as they we're leaving, she couldn't help but see a young boy, having black spiky hair with dark green highlights. He had big brown eyes that was crazily fascinating, and a bright smile.
"--WHEN I COME BACK! I'LL BE THE BEST HUNTER IN THE WORLD!!" The boy exclaimed happily and loudly as he was waving his arms in the air, a lot of people we're saying either 'Bye!' or 'Good luck!'.
This caught the girls interest as she moved into sitting down in another position as her legs we're slightly apart and put hand resting on her thigh:
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But then, Y/N heard some loud laughter near her, and she turned her head to see a couple of men laughing at the poor, spiky haired boy. This made Y/N frown.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" One guy laughed out.
"Best hunter in the world eh!?" He says before laughing again, another guy started to plant a comment.
"Kid thinks this will be easy!"
Y/N sent a soft glare at the men who was making fun of the kids dream on becoming the best hunter, her glare was soft because she doesn't hate humans, even if they were a bit mean.
She left out a disappointing, muffle sigh as she turned her head, seeing the boy from earlier staring right at me, his eyes were quite enchanting, even if they were just brown, it was pretty.
✿Gons POV:
As soon as I said my goodbye, I could hear some chuckling behind me, laughing about me being the best hunter. But that won't bring me down! If I believe and work hard, then I'm sure I can reach that kind of dream of my own! But its also because I want to know why, my dad would leave me to become a hunter, so this will sure be exciting!! But while I was walking around, I turned my head to see a girl, sitting down on the wooden floor.
She had beautiful long hair, a long F/C looking dress? And she was also wearing a black........haori! Thats what its called. But she had the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen those kind of eyes before, they were so stunning that I could look at them all day. But what also caught my attention is that shes wearing a green looking bamboo muzzle around her mouth, which left me a bit confused.
'I wonder why she's wearing that bamboo thing around her mouth, and I also never seen that kind of dress before- but I think I've heard of it before-' As I was zoning out into my thoughts, I then spotted the girl who had her head turned towards me, looking at me as I cut out of my thoughts.
My eyes widen as I shook my head and having a bright smile on my face, I guess I should go on ahead and talk to her. I then started making my way over to hear as I took my hand out.