Braids~Cassian xreader

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Prompt: you want to braid Cassian's hair

I woke up to Cassian's side of the bed empty. This has been happening for the past few weeks. He has been trying to find a way to get rid of the rebels. I went to the living room to find him sitting on the couch, reports everywhere. I walk over and kiss his check. "Good morning!" He turns his head around and catches my lips with his own. "Morning, love" He turns back to the papers while I go and make breakfast.

I finish making breakfast and bring it to Cass. I sit down at the end of the couch so I don't mess with his papers. I eat my breakfast as I watch my mate. He had a little crease in his forehead that he gets when he's stressed. "You should put your papers down and hang out with me," I say, trying to bring his attention to me. He grunts in response but next thing I know his head is in my lap. I look down at him and smile.

Not long after Cass is asleep in my lap. I want something to do but I don't want to wake him. I start to finger comb his hair. Then I start to twist it together.

By the time Cassian had woken up he had two french braids in his hair. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Only an hour or so." He went to run his hand through his hair but all of his hair was pulled back. He looked at me and I just giggled. As Cass walked to the bathroom he kept giving me suspicious glances.

"You braided my hair?" He walked back over to me and I thought he was going to be mad. I looked down afraid and slightly shook my head. He picked me up and I squealed. "I love it!" He said while kissing me all over my face. "Really? You're not mad?" He set me back down on the floor, "Of course I'm not mad I love it! I love it so much I'm going to wear it like this to dinner." I burst out laughing thinking about all the insults Rhys and Az would say about it.

When it was finally time to go to the dinner I said to Cass, "You know that you can still take it out?"

"I know but I'm not going to." He kissed me, "You look beautiful!" I blushed as I took his hand and we went to the town house.

Cass walked in and surprisingly nobody commented on his hair. We talked for a little while till dinner was ready. I sat with Cass on my left, Mor on my right. Feyre sat across from me, Rhys across from Cass and Az across for Mor. Amren was in summer court and I had no clue where Feyre's sisters were. "I like your hair Cass," Feyre said in the middle of dinner. A blush spread across my face when Cass replied, "Thanks Y/n did it while I was napping." Rhys and Az looked like they wanted to say something but Feyre just glared at both of them and the continued eating.

We finally went home and I fell onto the couch. "You should braid my hair more often," Cass said as he picked me up, walked to our room and laid me on our bed. "Everyday if you'd like," I whispered and fell asleep.

When I woke up in the morning Cass was still in bed next to me. I snuggled up to him, savoring the feeling. "Morning love," Cass said, not even opening his eyes. I went to the bathroom to get ready for the day when I saw my hair in braids. I turned back to the bed. "You braided my hair?" Cass was awake now. "Mmh. Rhysands sister taught me. I think those are dutch braids. "I love them!" He smiled up at me and I could tell he was relieved. "Can you teach me how to do a dutch braid?" He shook his head and we spent the rest of the morning teaching each other how to do different braids. 

If you couldn't tell I love writing Cass stuff but if you want me to do another character let me know. I love the idea that Cass can braid and I don't know why. I hope you liked this one shot.

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