Scars~Azriel xreader

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Prompt: You and Az have been mated for a few months and you ask him about his scars

Idea credit goes to velaris_is_my_home


Azriel was finally home. We have only been mated for five months though he hadn't been home for most of it. He had been at the illiyan camps for two weeks and I could tell he was exhausted. He came in around eleven last night and has been asleep since. I didn't want to wake him this morning so I joined Feyre and Mor for breakfast.

The three of us then went to Feyres studio because she had a class to teach. Mor and I were walking around the rainbow and talking about our mates. Mor had found her mate two months ago and they were taking it slow. I had met Blaise a few times but she mostly just stayed with Mor. Feyre's class ended right before lunch. I decided to go back to the apartment to check on Az. When I said goodbye Mor said, "Hey, we should get our nails done. You know how much I don't like doing it alone, will you come with?" I felt bad for not checking on Azriel but he was probably still asleep anyways.

By the time Mor and I had finished getting our nails and hair done it was dark outside.

When we got out of the salon Az spoke down the mating bond. Hey, Can you come to the bridge, on the left river? I got worried because of how vague he was. I said goodbye to Mor and ran back as fast as I could. I was out of breath when I finally found Az. "What's, what's wrong?"

He shook his head, "Nothings wrong. Why are you out of breath?" I gulped and tried to slow my heart rate down "I ran here because you were super vague and I thought something was wrong." I looked around at the fairy lights that were hung up around us. "What's all this?" Azriel blushed a little and said, "I wanted to ask you something but it's kind of big." He took a deep breath and got down on one knee. I just stared at him shocked. "Y/n I know my job is a little crazy but I was gone for the last two weeks having this made for you." He pulled out a box and tears were streaming down my face. "Y/n will you marry me?" I nodded not trusting my voice. He slid the ring on my finger and I hugged him. I looked down at the ring. It had a gold band and a square diamond in the middle with small diamonds around it.

Az and I went home and I cuddled up into his side

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Az and I went home and I cuddled up into his side. "Can I ask you a question?" I was tentative because I knew it was a touchy subject. "Of course" I took a deep breath, "What happened with your hands?" He tensed and I quickly took it back. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it. Sorry for bringing it up." He looked down at our intertwined hands and let go of mine. I knew he was insecure about his hands but that didn't stop the tears from forming in my eyes. Tears started to form in my eyes. If felt like he was rejecting me. I knew that this topic wasn't his favorite but he was my mate, my equal and I wanted to help him. A tear slipped out from his eyes. I brushed it away as I took his face in my hands. His eyes wouldn't reach mine. I tried to think of a way for him to look at me. 

"Hey," I brushed another tear from his cheek, "I'm sorry I know it's a touchy subject. You don't have to talk about it. I don't care about your scars, Az. You are my mate and my equal if you don't want to tell me that's okay. I'll still love you no matter what.I love you Az and I love your scars but it's your past and if you don't want me to know about it yet that's fine." I was crying trying to talk through my tears. He finally looked in my eyes and brought his hands to my face, brushing my tears away.

We sat like that for a while, not talking. I sat up and went to get ready for bed. Az was quiet when he spoke, "My father used to lock me up when I was a kid. For one hour a week I was let out to see my mom. My father had two other sons with a different lady. They liked to torment me and one day decided that they wanted to test my healing powers. The poured oil on my hands and lit them on fire. When my fathers men came it was too late. My hands will be permanently scarred." We were both crying again but I pulled him into a hug.

"You didn't have to tell me you know?" He pulled me away from his chest. "I know but you are my mate and soon to be wife and you deserve to know." I kissed him, "Thank you for telling me. I love you!"

"I love you too, fiancé!" I chuckled at the name. "We should probably tell the rest of the inner circle right?" Azriel shook his head, "They already know. Why do you think Mor was so persistent that you stayed with her all of today." I gasped at him and he laughed at my facial expressions. He stood up and intertwined our fingers again. "We can go show them the ring if you like?" I smiled up at him as he winnowed up to the estate. 

I really liked writing this chapter so I hope you like it! Thanks @velaris_is_my_home for the prompt. If anyone has anymore prompts you would like me to write just let me know. 

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