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I awaken with a stiff back and neck; feeling physically and mentally drained. I don't attempt to open my eyes as I can already feel the harshness of a bright spotlight in my face. I attempt to move a few loose strands of hair out of my face, but am startled when I realize my wrists and ankles are strapped down.

My eyes open in instant panic as I squirm in the wooden chair. I begin to hyperventilate. I feel like the air is being sucked out of my lungs as I try to see past the blinding light. I jerk my arms and legs as much as I can, trying to free myself until I realize I'm not alone.

"So you think she knows something?" I hear an unfamiliar voice. There is an apparent English accent on him as well.

"Absolutely. Whether she can remember or not." This voice belongs to the deceitful man that I've grown to recognize without error. I can't see either one of them past the bright spotlight which makes my nerves tingle even more.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I seethe. My fists are clenched and I'm feeling frustrated and sick about this entire situation. I need to wake up from this nightmare.

"Shhh... Mira." I feel a gentle yet dangerous hand swipe the strands away from my eyes. My entire body becomes stiff. "This will all be over soon enough."

"Why am I here!" My voice cracks uncontrollably. The tears escape on their own.

"Because the last person assigned to you failed miserably." He whispers close to my ear. His warm breath causes the hairs on the back of my neck to stand. I try to put as much distance between the two of us as possible, tilting my head all the way to its side. Either way it isn't effective, as he smoothly moves to my other ear before I can get away.

"I- I don't understand.... last person?" My head is fuzzy. What is he talking about?

"you're a smart girl. I'll let you figure it out." He smiles deviously in my ear.

"You must have the wrong person..." I ramble off.

"Is you're name Mira Knight?" His fingers dance across the skin on my neck causing me to flinch lightly.

I don't respond as it was obviously a rhetorical question. I feel utterly disgusted by this man, the thought of his hands free to touch me however he desires makes my blood boil. Like abducting me from my home wasn't bad enough, he gave me false hope that I could escape and betrayed me, destroying any ounce of trust I had left in me. He is twisted and vindictive.

"And is you're father James Knight" his fingers trail upward to cup my cheek as he now kneels beside me, his face inches away from my own. As he holds my pale cheek to face him directly, I notice the tiniest, warm amber flakes circling his pupil, the outer most color is a pale sage green.

"What does my father have to do with this?!" I push my body as far off the chair as it will go. Face to face, now maybe an inch apart, a sinister smirk dances onto his lips and I feel redness in my cheeks.

"Someone has a temper."

"Well excuse me for being a little on edge. It's not every I get kidnapped by a fucking psychopath." My jaw tightens as the stand off continues. Both of our close faces remain still and unwavering.

"Glad I get to be you first." He winks. "Don't worry, I'll make it special." My eyebrows furrow in disgust.

"Enough messing around." The unknown man in the back of the room says flatly. He stands up slowly, his hand dropping from my cheek. But before I get the chance to breathe, his hand clamps around my throat, nailing me against the back of the chair. My airways are cut off as he crouches back down so I can see him. I feel my face getting red from the lack of oxygen. By his sick demeanor, I can tell he is finding some type of enjoyment in this.

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