Meeting THE Harry Potter

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a/n- Please read the description for the trigger warnings I would hate for anyone to read anything that could trigger anything of traumatic because they didn't look at the warnings! Also I haven't read the books in a while so sorry if a few thing are out of wack!

As I head 'home', if you could even call it that.

I live in the muggle world, and not in a nice area of it either. My father and step- mothers, yes plural live in one big sex dungeon. Honestly its no place for a child.

I am a 15yr old, just entering my fifth year at non other than THE Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Sorted into Hufflepuff (sry y'all I had to).

I was just on my way back from a meeting with non other than Headmaster Dumbledore. See, I have heard some Slytherin students ripping on him, though I chose to ignore it , today I actually can see what they meant.

After deciding not to go home right away, I stop inside of a little cafe place off of the subway.

Opening the door I instantly am hit by the smell of greasy coffee and fried food.

I decide to take a seat near the back corner, seeing as I didn't want to be noticed by anyone. Since I'm most likely gonna be bored sitting here I decide to partake in one of my favorite pass times, eavesdropping. Bad habit but, eh whatever.

"So who is this Harry Potter character?" I hear the kind looking waitress say to someone who's face     I cant see dude to the angle. Though if I'm not mistaken he's that kid from the year above me who's actually fought Voldemort himself, multiple times, and lived to tell about it.

"Hmm?" I hear a males' voice reply, sounding, nervous? Though If he were to be apart of the wizarding world it would make since because you cant just ur tell a muggle about such things.

"Yes, right there it says Harry Potter-." Whats she is saying gets cut off by someone talking to me, dang.

"-get you today?" I see a boy, no man no older than about 27 most likely asking what I would like to get.

"Oh me right. Um i'll just get a y/f/f (your favorite flavor please pick something basic not like rainbow swirl with unicorn sprinkles and a black straw like :~) Milkshake please." I say sending a small smile to the waiter as he walks away.

I return to trying to listen to the conversation from before. Although when I look over the waitress from before is no longer blocking my view of the boy, instead I am able to get a full view of him, and it is none other than Harry Potter in the flesh.

Remembering all the story's I have heard in the past about Potter and the fact that he has legit fought Voldy. This allows my mind to wonder to what Dumbledore told me to do, my hand sub-consencly drifting to my pocket were two very special potions lay.

I decide that I should go talk to Potter seeing as he looks like a relatively nice guy. As I approach his table quite nervously I think of something to say. By the time I reach his table I feel as though someone is glaring at me, but I decide to ignore it and continue on this mission.

"Hello there, I'm y/n l/n, and I was wondering if I could talk to you for a second." I say sounding a hella lot calmer then I actually was.

"Um sure, can I say what about though?" Harry asks. Only Now do I relies that he probably thinks I'm just some muggle girl who wants to ask him out or something.

"This is-. Well ill try to make it as brief as possible. Have you ever had the opportunity to do something. Something great, that could help a lot of people. But this thing would require you leaving behind everything, your friends and everything. If said thing is done correctly then you could have the chance to erase this horrible thing that has happened to a whole bunch of people along with making those along with millions of others life's a lot better. But if this thing is done wrong, as in one simple misstep or slip up then not only will you die so will millions, and millions more than al ready have." By the time that I finish this little rant Harry seems deep in thought.

"Um you might wanna sit."He says seemingly still processing the information.

"Well, if it where me I would do it, I would do whatever I could to help." he said seemingly still thinking. "You seemed to have said it as a hypothetical question but you wanna explain farther?" Harry says eyes liked on mine.

"Well... seeing as you're Harry Potter, and Dumbledore trusts you I should be able to tell you in privet. But then again there is the chance I'm not soposed to because this could jeprodize the whole undercover thing. Plus he said 'Tell no one y/n, not a single soul.' Well maybe in privet BUT only because you have a special connection to this person and your knowledge could be useful." I say only after realizing how much I just said. Merlin i really am bad at keeping secrets aren't I?

"W-wait. You- Dumbledore? This has to do with Voldemor-." Harry stars getting freaked before I slap a hand over his mouth.

"HARRY!" I shout. I mean really what is he thinking just saying his name like that, "You can't just say his name out in a public place like this."

"Oh, I sopose your right." Harry says placing way too much money on the table before grabbing my hand to start walking somewhere.

"W-wait Harry, slow down. Where are we going? And can you not walk so fast?" I say not mentioning letting go of my hand because that might make this awkward.

"Oh yeah I didn't say heh. Well since you said we couldn't talk in such a public place I was gonna have us go back to my house, although saying it out loud sounds a lot worse than I meant." Harry says while slowing his pace considerably.

"Oh well its not like anything would happen since we where going back there to talk about one of the worst people in existence." I say in the most no shit tone ever.

"Oh yeah I sopose your right." Harry reply's as we start the walk to his home.

A/N- well this is the end of the first chapter I'm off to bed but have fun with this one, its different and I actually have a plan so lets see how this goes. NIGHT Y'ALL!

'Doing it for Them', A Tom Riddle x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now