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A loud bang had woken me up from my slumber,  I jumped out of my sleep and looked around to see my boss standing beside me with a few files in his hand, I groaned and rubbed my eyes softly before grabbing them from his grasp.

"Y/n this has been the third time you've fallen asleep at your desk, is everything alright at home? Have you been getting some sleep?" He asked with worry in his tone, I yawned and nodded.

"I'm perfectly fine sir, it's just I didn't get much sleep last night because I was babysitting my brother's child," I said making him nod and smile, he patted my back and opened the files on my desk.

"ok this is Min Yoongi, he's been convicted for a few crimes, like murder and robbery, apparently his mind isn't that stable and needs assessing, would you be up for the job?" He asked flicking through the pages.

"sure ok" I said resting my head in my hands.

A few pictures showed up from underneath the documents, these picture were gruesome.

"Oh god, how could someone do such a thing to someone that is so barbaric," I said looking away from them and turning my back to them.

"Y/n, you need to look at these to assess what he has done, I know it's hard but maybe I guess don't eat before looking at these files, nor think about them," he said chuckling, he left me to do what I needed to do, I took a look at the pictures for the second glance, processing the details.

I looked at the files and read up a little bit about him, I gathered information like his age, height, weight and family, I have gotten to know a few personal about him.

After a few hours, I gathered my things and proceeded to walk towards the door, finally leaving the office was a thrill but also it was a thrill that I could go home and take a nice shower, eat some hot food and finally sleep.

The next morning
A new day, a new beginning for another day, and a new day of pure torment from work.

The patients weren't the problem, frankly, I love working with people I think have some priorities, the people and the boss are who make me not want to be there, I always try to pretend that I enjoy it but that doesn't always apply to the work environment I am in.

I'd gotten ready and decided to make myself some breakfast, just a simple scrambled eggs and bacon, thinking of the taste and the smell, I walked down and into the living area, I found my brother Jungkook in the kitchen already cooking breakfast.

"oh, your cooking?" I was surprised because I genuinely didn't think he would be cooking this early in the morning.

Jungkook wasn't the type to cook, he'd be in his studio, writing lyrics, playing video games, you know things some people do, I normally would be the one cooking but this morning, this made me very shocked.

I walked into the kitchen lazily and flung myself onto the bar stool.

"Yeah I'm cooking today, I woke up early this morning because I wanted to do something for my sister, the best sister I've had, I'm cooking scrambled eggs and bacon, want some?" he asked, he practically read my mind, I mean... some twins can know what the other is thinking, why didn't I think of that....?

"Gosh, you like to read my mind. Thank you" I said as he gave me the plate, I ate it slowly.

"Hey y/n aren't you supposed to be at work?" He asked as I continued to eat slowly, I shrugged my shoulders and turned to him.

"What's the time? I'm not working until 9"

My eyes shut for a second, just being able to close my eyes and allow them to relax even though I just slept like 5 hours.

After a while he didn't answer, I opened my eyes and saw a phone screen in my face, he pointed at the time, my eyes widened.

"oh shit I'm late"
I grabbed my handbag and ran towards the door, I placed sparkling water into the bag and slipped my shoes on, I ran out of the door and to my car, I started and I drove to school.

I quickly walked in and headed towards my desk, I sat silently and got in with my work, my boss wasn't around so I hope he didn't see my arrive late. I continued to do my work when I heard my boss calling my name.

"y/n, my office now," he said loudly as everyone's eyes turned to me, I got up quickly and walked in a fast pace towards the office. I walked in slowly and shut the door behind me, I looked down at the ground as I strolled over to the chair where I sat.

"y/n your client is here, he's waiting in the interrogation rooms, I think the first one on to left, make sure to be careful, don't want anything to happen to you" he touched my shoulder, he placed the strand of hair that dangled in my face behind my ear which made me extremely uncomfortable, I didn't say anything and got up.

I headed for the door and went to grab my files and note pad. I made my way towards the interrogation room and knocked on the door.

It opened and revealed a man with black hair and a scar over his left eye, he eyed me down as I entered the room and sat down in front of him.

"well what do we have here?" he proceeded to say as he looked me up and down, I coughed loudly and opened the files.

"hi Mr Min, my name is Jeon Y/n and I am your psychiatrist for the time you'll be held in this facility, do you have any further questions before we proceed our session?"

I asked waiting patiently for a reply, it was sometime later when he finally opened his mouth.

"there's just one thing" he mentioned fiddling with his fingers, avoiding eye contact.

"and what's that?" I asked, sitting silently, I opened my notebook and grabbed my pen, waiting for any further questions or words.

"id rather you call me Agust D then yoongi, I like it more" he said leaning forwards towards me, I nodded and wrote it down.

"Alright let's begin..... Agust D, I'm going to ask you a series of questions, your job is to answer them honestly and to the best your ability, can you do that?" I wanted him to corporate with me.

The psycho who changed her Where stories live. Discover now