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Yoongi POV

Murder after murder, her mind changed rapidly, I saw the way she looked at them when she killed them, it was like I was looking at my reflection, but I've changed, well tried.

Staring into their soul like her emotions weren't there, those who I pissed off now knew where I was and soon we had to drop everything and go, it wasn't really planned but we were caught on some surveillance cameras and eventually the police were after us.

After that we rented out a motel and stayed low for while, checking the windows, looking out of them keeping watch for the police.

"baby..?" she whined, I pretended to ignore her as I kept looking out of the window.

"babycakes" she whined again, I ignored her again but this time she got off of the bed and came to me, hugging me around the waist.

"Daddy?" she said which peaked my interest, I looked down at her, she was smirking.

"What is it?" I asked kissing the bridge of her nose, she scrunched her nose and smiled at me, I chuckled lowly.

"I'm needy for hugs," she said trying to pull me towards the bed, I was stiff and didn't move, she pouted and sat on the bed, crossing her arms.

"Baby, we can't do it again, I need to keep watch, I heard some people talking outside," I said sitting beside her, I put my arm around her shoulder but she pushed it away.

"ok be like that then, I'm gonna keep a watch," I said in a cold tone, looking out of the window, I heard a car, I opened the curtain further and saw a police car drive by, park and a police officer get out, I flinched and ducked, I grabbed y/ns hand and pulling her under the bed.

"Wha-" she began to speak but I covered her mouth, I heard footsteps coming towards the room and voices also.

"Hey calm down, those two murders aren't here your seeing things, just go back to your room, and I'll check it out ok?" The policeman before opening the door, my body stiffened as my grip on her mouth became tighter, she held onto my hand.

"God damn people can be so paranoid these days, calling the police because they thought they saw the two most wanted people in Seoul, pff I call bullshit" he spoke to himself, he checked the bathroom and the bedroom but didn't bother to check under the bed, gosh luck was definitely on our side today.

The door shut and heard the car door shut and then leave, I sighed in relief, letting go of y/n and rolled back out from underneath the bed.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Yoongi, you can't just do that, I could have fucked him up but nooo," she said mockingly, I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom.

"Y/n, he's a police officer, if you get caught you can get life in prison, the death penalty isn't something to be fond about," I said.

"Oh shut up, you did it, your crazy, the voice and the words coming out of your mouth aren't real, it's a fake, your personality to me is fake," she said as her voice began to rise.

"You want to know the reason? DO YOU WANT TO KNOW THE FUCKING REASON
Y/N"  I yelled at her, she stumbled back a bit, surprised and shocked that I yelled.

"I'm a pussy, I put on a tough face because I don't want people to think I am weak, I am weak but this... THIS IS THE REAL ME, IM NOT FAKE" I said as I began to raise my voice again.

Her dough eyes made me feel sorry but she needed to know her place, I'm not fake I'm literally a psycho but I keep a tough behaviour.

"IM SORRY OK, IM SORRY," she said walked out of the room, I walked behind her and slammed the door behind her.

"Fuck, I swear she's crazier when me," I said in frustration, my fingers slipped into my hair and pulled at the roots.

It was sometime when suddenly I heard y/n screaming, I ran to the window and saw her being tackled by the police officer.

"Ah shit," I said as I tried to open the door, the door must have locked itself when it slammed shut, I pulled on it, trying to make it open, but there was no luck.

The good thing was that the door opened outwards not inwards so with one hard push to the door, it would open it instantly.

I rammed the door open and finally got out into the motel parking lot, but there was no use, she was gone, the police car was already on the highway.

"AH FUCK, AH WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled as I dropped to my knees, I sat there for a while until an idea popped into my mind.

I got up and ran into the room, I grabbed y/n's laptop and signed into it, her being or was a psychiatrist doctor, she had access to software which identified people, many times she had looked up people's families and extended family which gave me access to see her family.

I looked up her name and bingo, I found her mother, stepfather and her half brother, I clicked on her half brother's profile and found his address, this was also y/n's address.

I grabbed everything and got into my car, I drove to his address and quickly ran to the door, I knocked on the door many times until someone answered and it was him.

"Yes?" He said, I scratched my head and looked at him nervously.

"Do you know where y/n is?" I asked, his facial expression changed from unsatisfied to curiosity.

"Come in," he said gesturing me to come, I came in and saw someone sitting on the sofa, she got up and looked at me scared.

"Babe that's him, the fucking psychopath that made your sister crazy," she said getting behind him, I looked at them apologetically.

"Is this true?" He asked as he got her behind him, I sighed and turned around but then turned back around.

"Please you gotta help me," I said trying to gain his trust.

"NO! IS THIS TRUE," he said yelling at me.

"Yes it's true but that's not me anymore, I've changed, she kinda changed on her own, but yes," I said as Jungkook began to get angry.

"ok fine but this is only for my big sister, what do you need?" He said looking at me coldly, I sighed of relief.

"Can you find out where she is? She was arrested a few hours ago and I can't find her" I said as Jungkook opened up his phone.

"I'll try and ring the police department," he said dialling them, he soon started to talk.

"Hi sir, my name is Jeon Jungkook, do you have a possible Jeon Y/n in your jail?" He asked as he chewed on his nails eagerly waiting.

"Ah yes sir, but you'll have to wait for her court hearing in a few weeks" he replied.

"ok thank you, sir," he said hanging up.

"If you would like please stay here until the court hearing," he said as I looked at him in appreciation, he was so giving.

"Your fucking kidding me right?" The girl said, he nodded and kissed her head.

"Babe, this man wants my sister to be saved, you don't Have to stay here, I need to know if she's ok, and he's the only person who she would trust the most, trust me," he said as she nodded and kissed him back, she said goodbye and walked out.

About 3 weeks later

"Hey, Yoongi, I'm going to the court hearing now, it's best if you sit and lay low" Jungkook said as he went to opened the door, I ran to him.

"Please tell me what's happening, I'm literally losing myself" he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes I get your worried but maybe she might get help, you know from professionals" I nodded, he patted my shoulder I few times before leaving.

The psycho who changed her Where stories live. Discover now