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"hi Mr Min, my name is Jeon Y/n and I am your psychiatrist for the time you'll be held in this facility, do you have any further questions before we proceed our session?"

I asked waiting patiently for a reply, it was sometime later when he finally opened his mouth.

"there's just one thing" he mentioned fiddling with his fingers, avoiding eye contact.

"and what's that?" I asked, sitting silently, I opened my notebook and grabbed my pen, waiting for any further questions or words.

"id rather you call me Agust D then yoongi, I like it more," he said leaning forwards towards me, I nodded and wrote it down.

"Alright let's begin..... Agust D, I'm going to ask you a series of questions, your job is to answer them honestly and to the best your ability, can you do that?" I wanted him to corporate with me.


"yeah I'm sure I can do that honey," he said looking me up and down with a smirk plastered on his face, I rolled my eyes and began to examine him.

I asked him a series of questions, like "why did you do these crimes?" or "what did you think about when you committed these crimes?", all these questions I hoped he would answer to honestly, but they weren't working out as I planned.

I started to write down things and casually look up to see him looking at me, more like staring, I looked away and started to write more, and as usual, he was looking at me, I got slightly uncomfortable and stopped writing and looked at him.

" I'd rather answer these questions alone, with you... And nobody else" he said leaning forwards and trying to whisper something to me, I'd got up and walked to the guards beside me, wanting him to go along with my questions, I did as he asked.

"now... Is that better? Can we get on with our session?" I was kind of annoyed at his persistence to keep avoiding the questions, he's just making this a lot harder for himself.

"mhmmm not quite," he said trying to scratch his head, the sounds of chains moving was heard in this very isolated and small room.

"then what? Tell me?!" I lashed out like him, his eyebrows raised, he was impressed by my anger, I really wanted to leave that room and just forget about ever saying yes to this job.

"mhm calm down baby girl, no need to be loud," he said leaning back in the seat, I grabbed the papers and placed them into the file and back into the clear display folder, I had enough for today and got up heading for the door.

"oh where you going baby girl?" he asked as he walked me move.

"I'm leaving, this session will continue tomorrow," I said leaving the room, the guards walked in and escorted him out.

He saw me and winked at me as he walked by, I thought he would be easy to assess but now I think maybe he needs a bit more TLC.

I know it was still early but I just needed to go home and clear my mind, why did he get into my mind so easily, he was like hypnotising me.

The boss gave me the approval to go home which I was so glad about, I pulled into the driveway and went to the door.

"jungkook I'm ho..." I walked into the living room and saw him with some girl on the sofa kissing and rather roughly.

"oh shit y/n I didn't think you would be home so early," he said as be tried to cover up his top half.

" I can leave if you want some privacy," I said headed for the door, he grabbed my arm and turned me around, I looked at confused at him.

"no please stay, I want you to meet someone, this is Clara," he said as she got up and walked towards me, she smiled and bowed quickly and smiled at me.

" it's nice to meet you, any way you two love birds get back to whatever you were doing, I'm going to bed," I said walking past.

"bed at 4:30 pm?" he said making Clara giggle.

"yes, this new patient is making me go a little crazy... But I got to admit he's quite good looking if I don't say so myself" I said walking up the stairs.

"goodnight you too and don't be loud.. Also, use protection please don't want another little kookie running around" I said as I heard him scoff and Clara giggle as she hit him.

I entered my room and took off my coat, I took a hot, long shower, washing away the stress and the pressure from today and the new patient, gosh he was stressful.

He wasn't like the others, he was unique, he was vindictive, intimidating bit somehow he had a gentle soul for those he cared about, I'm not sure if he cared about me or was starting to but I didn't feel any sort of negative feeling, only when he would look at me intensely.

I don't know what to feel about him, he's so different and I want to know more.

The psycho who changed her Where stories live. Discover now