|Season 1 final: Chapter 10- Discovery

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~Night of the game~
~Augustine's P.O.V~

Today was the day of the game and I was in the locker room getting dressed. The hour before the game I would always get a high that shows out on the field. I think that's what makes me such a good player.

But tonight that high just wasn't in me. I think I was nervous about the game or maybe I was just sad. Honey didn't come to school today.

She hasn't answered my texts either, she's been on my mind all day. I just hope that she's ok. Everyone in the school has been on edge and acting weird. It might just have to be with what happened yesterday.

It was even on the news but before I could watch the whole thing Branny turned of the tv and threw me in my room.

It doesn't help that everyone is looking at me with pity. Finn keeps having random episodes where he starts to ball his eyes out, I just ignore him as usual.

I was getting ready for the game and strapping in when coach called me out the locker room. I joined him out front of the door, the same place that made the school go haywire. He patted me on the shoulder and gave me a look of pity.

Why does everyone keep looking at me like that?! It's not like one of my relatives died so what's the problem?

"Son, if you don't want to play this game then I understand. You should be with your friend."

I looked at him with a really confused look. Now he is really starting to act weird. "Umm, coach Chance is in the locker room. He's playing as well. He seems fine to me."

"No boy! Not Chance the young lady that was with you yesterday on the field."

His eyes widen when he realized who he was talking about. My heart started to pump so fast I could hear it in my ears. "You mean Honey?!"

"Yea her! You don't know? Cooper, Dallas, and Keef j-" Before coach could finish Branny came up to him. "Coach!" We both faced him as he slid his hand across his throat telling him to be quiet.

Ok that's it I need answers. NOW!

"What the hell is going on Branny?!" I clenched my fists tightly, digging my nails into my skin. I could hear the locker room door open. I looked back at Chance coming out, Helmet in hand.

Branny rubbed the back of his neck. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out, when he was finally about to speak someone came around the corner and joined the conversation.

"Cooper, Dallas, and Richey jumped the poor fool. Gave her a fractured skull, the poor girl went unconscious."

We all turned around to the end of the hallway to see Kallyope and Heather standing there. Heather waved at me but I just glared. What are they doing her?

"Kallyope?" Chance spoke up with a disgusted look on his face. He always hated her, she's stalked him since elementary school.

"Hi Chance." She plastered a large ugly grin on her snarky face, Chance's face scrunched up and I crossed my arms irritated.

Then my mind finally processed everything. Honey. She got jumped. She's in the hospital. She has a fracted skull. SHE'S UNCONSIOUS!!!!

Everything went red and my body was over came with heat. EVERYONE knew BUT me! I clenched my hands into a tighter fist. The next thing I knew my hand in the school wall. "August!" Heather called out running to my side.

My hand stayed in the wall, I placed my head on the wall, feeling a hand on my shoulder. I looked in the corner of my eye to see Heather looking at me with pleading eyes. "August, I know your scared for your friend but it's ok. It could have been worse."

I sighed heavily processing the words she just said. "It could have been worse?! Heather she's been laying in a hospital bed and I wasn't there for her! I'm supposed to be her friend and she probably thinks I don't care about her an-"

"Actually Augustine, Honey still hasn't waken up. The doctors put her in a medically induced coma to help her heal faster."

I slowly took my bloody fist out the wall. I turned back to Branny. "You knew?!"

He scratched his head pulling hair out of his face.

"I was with the person who called the ambulance and police." I can't believe it my own brother knew and didn't tell me! I didn't know what to do.

I pushed Heather off me and knocked Kallyope out of the way.

"Watch it idiot!" I ignored her and ran past everybody to my car. I heard Branny call after me, "August wait!" But I didn't care, I kept walking to the parking lot.

How could he not have told me?! I should have been there for her, I could have saved her! I was LITERALLY right across the hall but I was too busy with my fucking dick to help her.

I'm such a idiot!

I stopped and clenched my bleeding fist tighter. Dripping blood on the dirt ground under me.

I heard Branny catching up behind me breathing heavily.

"What the hell do you want?! You knew that she was in the hospital and you didn't even tell me, why the hell didn't you tell me?! ME! I'm her friend I should have known!"

"Because I knew that you have feelings for her! Feelings that you would have let cloud your judgment." I was taken aback at what he said. Honey is just. . . a friend. I don't have feelings for her.

"I-I. Sh- We're ju-. Honey and I are JUST friends." he rolled his eyes long and hard "Whatever you say. Just let me drive you!" I thought hard about it and just agreed. I'm not in the right state of mind to be driving anyway.

I nodded and tossed him my car keys we sped into the car, out the parking lot and on our way to the hospital. My mind was going a mile an hour.

What if she never wakes up? What if she wakes up and doesn't remember me? What is sh-she dies?

One thing was on mind. I needed to see Honey no matter what!

//The greatest truth is honesty, and the greatest falsehood is dishonesty.// -Abu Bakr

//Sorry for the really short chapter.//Season 2 will be coming out soon!// What will happen to Honey and Augustine?!// When I tell you that season 2 will be worth the wait. . .//

//I hoped you liked chapter 10!😴//More tea, drama, tears, and laughs in the chapters to come// Chapter word count: 1172// - Chapter published on (6/6/21)

My new story "Euphoria" is coning out today at 7:10! Check it out on my profile...

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