|Chapter 7- Damage Is Done

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//t r i g g e r - w a r n i n g//
~~The mention of blood, abuse, and racism~~
~2 weeks later~

~Honey's P.O.V~


It had been 2 weeks since the bathroom incident. I still never told Augustine or Chance about it, I just didn't want them to start anything else. The last thing I want is a group of girls telling me who and who not to be friends with.

Meanwhile, I'm honestly loving it here. Augustine, Chance, and I have gotten a lot closer together. But, I think they are still salty about me whopping BOTH of their asses at Call of Duty, Apex Legends, and World of War Craft. Shit I even beat them in Minecraft. MINECRAFT!

I think it was less me beating them, more them being beat by a girl who is WAY smaller and younger than them. The day we got back to school they refused to talk to me the whole day. It was actually kind of funny, I had to buy them McDonalds after school and bring doughnuts in for a week before they could forgive me.

As each day went by I keep mentally questioning Heather more and more. I have known Augustine for almost a month and he is the most caring, gorgeous, kind, and funny inkwenkwe(Boy) I have ever met!

I don't understand what the hell is wrong with Heather! I would kill to have someone like Augustine, to actually feel what being loved is like. It's not fair that she had August's love for 3 YEARS!

But then just threw it all away so she could hoe out with other people. It's not fair that some people are just so UNDESIREABLE in this world that they don't get to be loved by anyone.

And then there are the other people that the world welcomes warmly, with loving and safe hands. I'm the former, the only love I have ever got is from my family but that's not the love I starve for.


~The next day~

"Thank you so much for helping clean up the class Honey and Finn! I would have been here all night if it wasn't for you guys and I gotta get home to my baby."

Finn my classmate and new friend decided to stay back and help our Art teacher, Mr. Hunter clean up after the class, thought it would be fun to throw shredded paper everywhere. 

"It's no biggy! Honey and I know how bad those hooligans can be. Chile one of them threw a paper ball at the back of my head! If I find who it was I'm shoving the same ball down their throat."

 Mr. Hunter and I laughed as Finn went on about his banter on why he wanted to kill his unknown target. "Finn, violence isn't always the answer. You don't know if the person did it on accident."

That's another reason why I respect Mr. Hunter so much, he always try's to make peace between people. He has an absolutely adorable 2-year old daughter that he takes care of by himself and for that I have a huge amount of respect for him.

But, I know Finn and he wasn't going to let this go until he found the person. As Finn dropped the last pile of paper in the trash, he stared back at Mr. Hunter. "Ya see, I have to respectfully disagree with you Mr. Hunter. Cause, someone wrote on the paper saying 'heads up'." He said puling the balled up piece of paper from his pocket and showing it to him.

I snickered in the background while sweeping up the last shreds of paper into the dust pan. "Just go easy on them Finn." Mr. Hunter waved us out the door as we grabbed our backpacks.


Finn wanted to walk by the Lacrosse field to see if his boyfriend was still at practice. I didn't oppose of course. Ya know, to say hi to my friend Auggy.

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