Forty Three: Emma

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As soon as we make it into the foyer, Noah pulls me to the side, shielding us from the curious gazes in the dining room. Cupping my face in his hands, he frantically searches my eyes, "Are you alright?"

Before I can utter a word, he pulls me to his chest, "Jesus Christ, I am so sorry."

Noah's arms crush me against his body and I squeeze my eyelids shut, determined not to cry. You've come this far, don't start now.

Honestly, I was proud of my performance during dinner. I cant believe I've managed to keep my shit together this long. I was able to talk about them. I managed to pull through even when I thought the look Evelyn gave me would burn right through my skin.

Dr. Greene would be proud.

Noah nuzzles his face into my neck, his muffled voice hot against my skin, "Do you want me to take you home?"

I shake my head, pulling away to look at his face and I immediately wish I hadn't.

Noah was not nearly as composed as I was and my heart twists painfully when I see that his brown eyes are raw and watery. A line of frustration has formed between his brows and his lips are pressed together in a tight line. He looks like he's in pain.

The sight of him is enough to make me want to cry myself. I couldn't believe he cared about me this much. 

I place my hand against his cheek and Noah leans into my palm. I shake my head again at his question, "I don't want to leave. I just want to enjoy the rest of the night."

His eyebrows tilt, worried, "Are you sure?" Noah runs his hands down my arms, his eyes darting around my body, examining me like he was checking for injuries. "We don't have to stay. This dinner means shit to me."

I really didn't want to leave. I was enjoying myself, all things considered. I was doing so well. I was out, I was meeting people, I had a boyfriend.

I felt strong. I felt invincible. And no one was going to take that away from me.

All Noah's fretting just makes me want him more. It pains me to see him so worried but I can't help being warmed at the thought that someone cared. That Noah cared.

Figuring that all he needed was a distraction, I give Noah a sultry grin, "Come on. Don't tell me you'd let this dress go to waste."

Noah's lips turn up half heartedly like he didn't want to hurt my feelings. My stomach drops at the lingering worry in his gaze. No, not worry. Pity.

I hadn't seen pity in so long I'd almost forgotten what it looked like. When I moved to (TOWN NAME), I didn't make friends, I didn't get close to anyone. No one here knew about my parents, at least not until tonight. I had a feeling now that Evelyn knew my big secret, it was only a matter of time before the rest of the town did too. I guess I'd better get used to seeing it. Soon, I'll be drowning in pity.

"Emma..." Noah starts but I place my hand over his mouth, stopping the words I knew I didn't want to hear.

"Please?" I beg. "I want to feel normal. Just this once."

I was sick and tired of being the lonely girl with no family. Tonight, I just wanted to be a pretty girl in a purple dress.

Noah's eyes turn sad, resigned, and he nods his head in agreement. With a swift kiss to my palm, he tugs my hand away from his face.

"Well, I don't know about you but I need a drink." He sighs. That makes two of us.

Noah twists our fingers together and we cross the foyer, the click of my heels against the marble filling the silence.  

After Evelyn's interrogation during dinner, Glory's warning didn't seem so silly anymore. I had a heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach that I couldn't shake.
I told myself I was just crazy but with a glance at the diamond chandelier, I swore the sparkling stones were winking sinisterly at me as we passed.


"Gin and tonic," Noah says to the bearded man standing behind the wooden bar. In a black vest and tie, I wondered just how strict Evelyn's dress code must be for her staff. I barely knew the lady and even I could tell that appearances were everything to her.

"Moscato," I ask the bartender, naming the first wine I could think of and watch as he spins to face the shelves of liquor, reaching for a lime colored wine bottle. There had to be over a hundred different bottles and decanters displayed, only a few of which I recognized.

Apparently I hadn't received the full tour of the Cottage's luxurious gardens. I had no idea an outdoor bar and dance floor was hidden among the meticulously manicured shrubbery.

It was truly a beautiful sight. Encased around a fortress of hedges, the dance floor sparkled beneath thousands of twinkling lights, whose lines sways gently with the breeze. On the south side of the dance floor was a platform stage, where a band played smooth jazz, the brass instruments gleaming under the soft lighting.

"Thank you," I hear Noah say to the bartender and he pushes a frosty wine glass into my hands. Taking a sip, I hum in appreciation. It was the perfect mix of smooth and sweet. It was nothing compared to my usual grocery store Moscato. It tasted expensive.

The thought makes the drink turn sour in my mouth and I try not to think about how much this wine must have cost. But of course my nosy nature wouldn't allow me to let it go and I turn to Noah, "How much do I owe you for the wine?"

Noah's cheeks turn pink as he mumbles, "Open bar."

Of course. I take a resentful gulp from my glass. At least Evelyn was good for something...

I assume dinner was now officially over as guests started to trickle into the little alcove, some stopping at the bar, others heading right for the dance floor. Seeing their cue, the band picks up momentum, smoothly transitioning into another song. The crowd starts to applaud when a bronzed young man in a white suit steps onto the stage. Taking a microphone stand in hand, he starts to sing a Sinatra-style song. The couples on the stage twirl and move together with the beat.

I watch amazed as Noah downs his drink in one go, slamming his glass on the bar top with a smile. With a slight flush across his cheeks, Noah's gaze meets mine, his eyes sparkling with the lights above us. He looks completely different than he did a minute ago.

I'm startled by his sudden good mood and give him a tentative smile. "What?"

"Don't get mad at me," he starts.

Oh god.

Noah held up a hand defensively, "I just want one free pass to be cheesy. Don't fight me or you'll ruin my fun." His lips curl adorably, brown eyes light with humor.

Perfectly alarmed now, I take a final sip from my glass and set it on the bar. When I turn back to Noah, I nearly choke on the drink. Bent over with his palm up in invitation, he looked just like a fairytale prince.

"Can I have this dance?"  Noah looks up at me, his smile warm and playful. My lips twitch, unable to hold back a grin.

I looked around to make sure no one else was witnessing this and arch my brow, "Are you serious?"

Noah nods his head, barely able to contain his glee, "Oh, I'm dead serious."

Knowing I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than refuse that face, I gently place my hand onto his. Noah's lips stretch into a beaming grin and he kisses my knuckles.

Rising from his bow, he links his arm through mine, pulling us to the dance floor. Leaning over, Noah whispers in my ear, "I've always wanted to do that."

I roll my eyes and he chuckles, the husky vibrations now warm and familiar to me.

I don't dance. I hate dancing. But I let Noah pull me onto the dance floor anyway, trying to just relish in the comfort of his arms.

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