They gotta know

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I took both their hands and we walked goes nothing.

Y/n pov
We walked in both liyah and Liam excited to see their father.

We got to the lounge and all the boys went quiet.

They looked so confused

Jxden: whose t that

Y/n:so the reason i left for two years

Y/n:was because I gave birth to them

They jaw dropped and Bryce got up from the slouchy position and sat normally.

Chase:what's their names

Y/n:umm liyah and Liam



Griffin:omg that can't be I

Y/n:um it's true


Quin:wait what whose t the f father

My nerves went on a hundred percent i was screaming his name inside my mind just I couldn't say it

Just say it


Y/n:well um




I heard a very irritated girl say


Liyah:he smells like Oreo


She ran to Josh and tapped his leg


She ran back giggling which made Josh smile

Thomas:wait she's right

Josh:um liyah can I see your teddy bear

She nodded and walked over,she gave him Oreo

Josh smiled and he sniffed it(ooh like drugs)

Josh:it smells like me

Josh:wait i gave you my cologne two years ago

Josh:that means I'm their

He stood up which made me nervous

As he walked over i got scared,i started second guessing myself,and having doubts

He walked over rubbing his eyes and moved his hair which made look hot ,shit stop crushing 

Josh:I'm her father he whispered shouted

Y/n:.........I'm sorry i said with sadness

Josh:why you sorry

Y/n: beca-

I felt lips being pressed against mine,i didn't hesitate to kiss back,
he cupped my face while my hands went around his neck,i longed for this,i longed for him and i finally had him.

Liam:EWWW get of my mumma
I heard liam say while attacking Josh's leg.we pulled away and laughed

Everyone laughed

Y/n:baby what are you doing

Liam:pwotecting you mumma
Everyone awed
Josh laughed and picked him up

I picked up liyah

Y/n:okay liyah and Liam do you know who that is


Y/n:that's your dad,look at him i said pointing at josh

Liam: oppsies *giggle* I'm sowwy
Josh laughed even more

I don't know what happened but all of a sudden Liyah started crying.

Y/n::oh bub what happened

Liyah:i i m met mmy d d dada

Everyone awed and Josh took her while I held Liam

My heart sank.

I saw Josh get tiere


Josh:omg whose cutting onions

Everyone laughed

Finally liyah calmed down,while she put her head on his shoulder,Josh held her like she was the most important being on earth

Right there was the most heart whelming thing

(A/N so Josh knows what you'll think happens next sorry this chapter was short and if it sucked)

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