Visiting Hours

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"What do you mean I can't see him?! I thought he's woken up!" Obito shouted. He knew he was reacting badly but how else could he do? The uchiha has been put through twelve months of pain, now the source of his pain - aka Bakakashi - is awake and now he can't see him?!

"Look brat, I understand that you want to see him but he needs rest and no doubt you and your loud mouth will only make him worse! Its already hard for him as it is." Tsunade Senju explained to the small raven haired uchiha.

Obito opened his mouth only to shut it again in shock. He couldn't just sit here like a couch potato. If the old lady won't let him in he'll have to sneak in! "W-what do you mean it's hard enough as it is? I thought you said he's okay!"

Tsunade winced slightly at the younger nin's panicked tone. She sighed, rubbing her temples in annoyance before replying. "What I mean is, Kakashi may have woken up and his condition is stable but what you have to realize he has been unconscious for just over a year. This means that not only has his chakra supply not been used - which you know is highly dangerous for a Shinobi - but his muscles haven't been used for that period of time. Sure my medical team and I have done basic movements and exercises to stop his muscles from wasting away but there is a possibility that he will never be able to walk again. Which means he will have to retire as a Shinobi... Not only that but Kakashi may have or may not have suffered from memory loss which will effect not just his day to day life but his ninjutsu as well."

"M-memory loss?" The uchiha sputtered as he paled. Sure they fought and have some pretty bad memories together but they've also had good ones! Since Obito's near death experience and the loss of kakashi's eye they have become close, inseparable almost. 'Besides, it would be a lot harder to confess that way!' The young raven shook his head, blinking away fresh tears. "P-please Tsunade-san... I h-have to see him."

Tsunade's gaze softened and gave a small nod. Obito gave a shaky smile before walking to Kakashi's new ward. As weird as it sounds but ever since Kakashi was emitted to the hospital, said hospital has been like a second home for him. He visited so often some of the nurses gave him food and found a bed for him to stay I'm when he refused to leave the small Hatake.

It didn't take him long to reach the ward, though unlike all the other times the raven didn't hesitate but rather marched over to his friends bedside. He was sleeping. Sighing Obito ran a shaking hand through his messy hair before looking at Kakashi. Some of the colour had come back to his face although the young silverette is pale to begin with, his hair now rests just above his shoulders spilling around his pillow as he slept, but generally he looked a lot Skinner and fragile than his stotic teammate he went on missions with.

"Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
Wear a necklace of rope,
Wear a necklace of hope,
Side by side with me.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
Where I told you to run,
So we'd both be free.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree."

When Obito closed his mouth he glanced down at his friend to notice he had woken up and looking back at him with a look of suprise and a small blush dusting off his cheeks.


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