Betrayed, Pt. 2

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Tobio Kageyama was a man of few fears; a spider would elicit a shriek from him upon sight, but not much else.

But an angry Sugawara? - that is a terrifying sight for anyone to see.

Kageyama's hands trembled as Suga dragged him from the gym. The silver-haired third year practically had steam coming from his ears, although his steps were steady and short. When they'd finally stopped, Suga pushed Kageyama up against the wall.

"You have one minute to try and explain yourself," he stated firmly, eyes burning with anger. "Now go, and make it quick."

"Suga, it's Oikawa! And it's just supposed to be okay that Hinata is dating him?!" Kageyama had begun to pace, still shaking hands tangling with his hair. "Oikawa is an absolute bitch, he's stuck-up and self-absorbed and I-I just can't stand him!"

The dark-haired boy stomped his foot, pouting and crossing his arms. Suga, too, crossed his arms, an eyebrow raised; "Are you done acting like a child, Tobio? Or should I wait while you keep throwing your tantrum?"

Kageyama opened his mouth to talk, but when he caught sight of Suga's face, he snapped it shut. Suga took this as his opening to talk, poking the younger's chest and pushing him up against the wall.

"You, Tobio Kageyama, are being a bratty child and a selfish bitch."

The ravenette flinched at the harsh words, but stood silent as Sugawara continued.

"You have no right to separate Hinata from his boyfriend, even if it's someone you don't like. Even as Hinata's friend, you. have. no right. to do that! I may love you, Tobio, but you can't lash out like an angry brat every time something doesn't end up how you want!"

Suga paused, breaths deep with the force of his words. He stared up at Kageyama for a moment, their eyes meeting intensely. The first year easily broke the stare, cheeks burning with shame. Biting his tongue, Tobio forced himself not to break down crying; there's a reason angry Suga was his one main fear.

"I'm- s-sorry," he choked out, looking anywhere but his boyfriend's face. "I-I didn't...I was just mad. Don't- don't punish me, please?"

Kageyama cringed as his own voice cracking. He then screwed his eyes shut; he didn't want to see the disappointment on Suga's face. The third year just sighed quietly at the sad sight before him.

The first year setter had pressed himself up against the wall, obviously bracing himself to be hit. Although he hadn't begun to cry yet, his bottom lip trembled and it was clear he was close to it. Suga couldn't help but feel a little guilty; he never meant to make his baby so afraid of him.

"I'm not mad anymore, Tobio," He assured Kageyama, frowning when the younger boy flinched from his touch. "But I'm not the one you should be apologizing to, you know."

"But- w-what i..." the rest of Kageyama's words dissolved into mutters, so Suga asked him to say it again. The first year's eyes finally slipped open, and tears trickled down his face slowly. "What if h-he doesn't forgive m-me?"

"Oh, sugar...c'mere."

Suga pulled Kageyama into a tight hug, rubbing small circles into his back. Even when the younger boy started crying into his neck, leaving his skin sticky and wet with tears, Suga just allowed him to. After a few minutes, the tears stopped flowing. The third year wiped the excess away gently, then kissed the tip of his boyfriend's nose.

"Are you okay now?" Suga asked gently, smiling when he got a nod.

Clasping Kageyama's hand in his own, he pulled the younger boy back into the gym. The only ones left were Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Daichi, Hinata and Oikawa, which probably helped Kageyama's nerves some. When the Aoba Josahi captain spotted him, he pulled Hinata closer.

"Back to try and pry my Chibi-Chan away?" Oikawa spat. Kageyama almost flinched at his sharp glare, shuffling ever so closer to Suga.

Oikawa blinked dumbly; that wasn't what he was expecting. What came next was definitely not expected either, by anyone in the room.


Every set of eyes were on the setters now. Daichi glanced at Kageyama, then to Suga. The silver-haired setter smiled gently up at his boyfriend, eyes full of pride for the younger boy. Suga caught his eye, pulling Kageyama towards him by the hand. There he waited, staring expectantly at the younger boy. Kageyama opened his mouth to say his words, but nothing came out. After a few minutes of silence, Suga just pushed his jaw shut gently and kissed his cheek.

"It's ok, Tobio. Don't push yourself too much."

Kageyama just nodded mutely, leaning up against Suga heavily. Hinata then peeked his face out, stained by dry tears. He trotted up to Kageyama, poking his side to get his attention.

"I forgive you."

The dark-haired setter startled, staring in surprise; Hinata stared right back. Oikawa tried to protest, but the orangette shot him a glare that shut him up. He then turned back to Kageyama, smiling.

And for the first time in forever, Kageyama genuinely smiled back.


(900 words)

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