Silence Will Fall

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While he went down to make them a tray, Tina grabbed her phone for mindless scrolling.

Don't think, don't think, don't think! Not questioning snogging him and basically inviting him for a roll in the bed. Not that you can actually roll, Tina. You can flop around weakly like a fat seal, but that's as far as it goes for you, you lummox.

There was a text from Edwin. Wow. The man texted. On his own. Do men text without being prompted?! Tina was so very unaware of what romantic relationships were like these days! On the other hand, the man talked like he was from a modernised version of Persuasion, so maybe she didn't have to be up to date with the current MO. If she dated someone who used Snapchat or Tinder or another of those mysterious apps, she'd be in a pickle, wouldn't she?

I hope you're well. Worried about your fall. Are you injured? Please, let me know. E.

Tina reread the mycologist's text. Awwww, that's sweet. And now she felt even more guilty for sleeping through his call - and properly embarrassed. Alright, she needed a smooth lie, because no way she was admitting to him that she had pumped herself full of painkillers and snored through the time of their romantic stroll.

Sorry to have worried you. I simply lost track of time. Got absorbed in work. C.

That wasn't a lie, was it? She'd often done it before when writing. She put the phone down and took a deep breath. That had been a good text, hadn't it? Wasn't she supposed to be cool and detached, but to show her appreciation? Was that what people did when texting? Who bloody knows.

The phone bleeped again. Oh?! That's a good sign, isn't it? It means he cares. Maybe. Depends on what he's saying, innin?

Tina grabbed the mobile and read: Quite alright. Perhaps, a walk tomorrow at three?

Oh lovely! He was showing initiative! That's good. And he didn't mind that she had stood him up. Is that good? Except tomorrow she still should take it easy. She didn't have to stay in bed, but flailing and swaying trying not to slip on icy cobblestone wouldn't be clever at all. She had no choice but to keep up her deception now.

Sorry but have to take a rain check. Still swamped with work. The day after tomorrow?

Tina felt rather pleased with this one. Again, not too eager, but letting him know she was interested.

Agreed. Shall I simply come by at 3?

Seriously, Wentworth got nothing on him. If the mycologist had any more gravitas, he'd fall through the pavement. Alright, Tina, let's refrain from jokes. You're clearly on the same delivery list as Holyoake. Oh, right. Holyoake. The one you've just snogged and who's coming to your bed... bearing gifts. And she didn't mean the lamb chops. Oops.

Alright, alright, you can do it! She'd deal with one man at a time. After all, to think of it, their circles of influence on her life didn't intersect. One had asked her out and it was properly too early to say if they would even get along. The other one would be gone in a few days - and they 'got along' just fine.

She started writing a response, when the door opened and Holyoake backed into the bedroom, a tray in his hands. He turned, and there was a smile on his lips - which dropped as soon as he saw the mobile in her hand. Tina's thumb froze hovering over the 'send' arrow under her 'See you then' text.

Holyoake gave her a look from under a raised eyebrow. Tina swallowed loudly, hit 'send,' and locked the screen. She stuffed the phone under her pillow and patted her lap over the duvet. He made a low humming noise - like a disgruntled bear - and put the tray down. He settled near her and opened his Mac between them.

Sweetly Isolated (The Swallow Barn Cottage Series, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now