Chapter 19

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Sorry for not updating for ages, i've caught a cold and i have it now for 2 weeks ands it's not really going away. Blame Ireland for it's cold weather:P

But anyways here's the chapter you guys have been waiting for:)


My Pov ;


For people, rather two girls or two boys it would be kind of normal to change in front of each other, since they were the same gender. It would be kind of susipous if a girl and a boy changed in front of each other unless they were married or they were girlfriend-boyfriend for a while but for Sasuke it was hell.

From the age of 12, Sasuke wanted Naruto badly, like in litteray 'fuck' at the age of 12. ( Bad Sasuke)

But he held back all this time even when Naruto was litteray in his bed... and now Naruto was changing behind him.

'' It's done '' Sasuke finally said something.

'' ...... Huh?'' Naruto moved up his head to look at Sasuke's back, as he was done pulling up his grey sweat pants.

'' The porriage '' Sasuke instantly replyed back.

Naruto whined as he pouted looking down at his socks on the floor.

'' Don't want porriage'' Naruto muttered knowing Sasuke's ears could heard him from 10 metres away even if he whispered.

Sasuke sweated dropped as he looked at the horny, whiney figure.

'' Then... what do you want?'' Sasuke asked carefully.

'' Cereal... '' Naruto said , looking up with big blue eyes.

Sasuke could imagine other places where Naruto could go with his big blue eyes. Like ... down there, looking up at Sasuke with a wet mouth and--''

Naruto coughed on purpose getting Sasuke's attention back.

Sasuke quickly turned back away Naruto pushed himself closer to the cuboards trying to hide his growing erection as well as he started to make Naruto some

Naruto flomped himself on the chair and waited for Sasuke to finish his cereal.

Naruto felt a tug at the side of his lips, as he started to smirk. With his back facing Sasuke's back Naruto thought about it.

Thought about everything.

Sakura, his bestfriend must be completely drop dead scared on what happened. He remember her face on the Tv, she looked terrifed and worried.His dad , Kiba, Hinata, Ino, Shino.. not so much, Tenten, Choji..... Iruka.

Naruto pulled his hand into a fist as he stared down at it.

' I have to be strong .... for them all ' Naruto thought strongly, tighting his fist.

So far, living with this vampire well rather Sasuke, Naruto found out that Sasuke doesn't really have an intention to kill him or suck his blood what-so-ever. So Naruto's panic bar has been low for a day or two, sort of trusting this Sasuke-vampire-guy.

'' Naruto ?''

Naruto quickly untightened his hand and turned around to face Sasuke who just put the bowl of cereal on the table. Sasuke looked at Naruto again.

'' I am fine '' Naruto answered the question before Sasuke even asked it ,knowing that expression, that look of ... worry?

Sasuke's raven started deeply into Naruto's blue ones and Naruto found himself getting quite a bit hot with all of Sasuke's attention on him.

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