Chapter 46

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Sasuke's bed o.o ^^^ (except a bit bigger and longer)

Chapter 46



My PoV;


A few days passed after the war. War? Was it is really that. More like 'one day of pure bloodshed where others attacked others'.

Sasuke sighed in annoyance as he put on the most causal clothes that he could find in his closet which included a plain black top and black sweatpants, the rest of the clothes in his closet were more to the royal side, and he had to look like a normal civilian. It was time to go back to the Uzumaki Kingdom to give Naruto back. Sasuke knew that the Uzumaki king was furious that he couldn't find his only son, especially when he'd see that his son was injured. He hoped that he wouldn't act up when Naruto came back but it'd be no surprise if he did.

Naruto himself was feeling uneasy, he felt his stomach slowly turn at the thought of seeing his Father again. He was lucky to avoid Sasuke's father for the past few days, it would just be too awkward and embarrassing to face Sasuke's Father now, but now facing his own Father set him down. He and his Father got along more when he was a child, that was the time when his father had time for him, only when Naruto reached his teenager years, he got busier and busier. Naruto was slightly surprised to hear that his father came along to save him when Sasuke took him at 12.

"Hey.." Naruto nearly jumped to the roof like a cat when he felt a hand gently press on his shoulder, he felt another hand slowly snake around his waist, pulling him against a firm chest, a mouth warmly pressed against his ear, "You look troubled...what's wrong?"

Naruto's face heated up like a wild fire when he felt Sasuke gently breathe in his ear and he quickly darted his eyes down to the floor in embarrassment. "I-Iam fine" He stuttered.

Sasuke chuckled lightly, "I wasn't born yesterday Naruto, I am your mate if you haven't forgotten, I feel it when your anxious..."

Naruto bit the inside of his lip, "I am just nervous of what my Father will say...he'll be angry I know it, he'll just shut me in that stupid palace and leave me there"

Naruto felt the arm around his waist tighten, "Don't be worried, I won't let him anyway"

Naruto smiled, deciding to work Sasuke up, "Don't say something you won't do"

Sasuke lightly growled, and Naruto yelped when he felt himself being thrown onto soft clean black duvet, in a mere moment Naruto felt his hands being yanked over his head with Sasuke hovering over him, giving him somewhat of an angry, annoyed glare. "You're testing me.." Sasuke growled.

Naruto let out a single small laugh before looking Sasuke straight in the eye, a small smirk filled his facial features, "What if I am?"

Before Sasuke could reply to that, his bedroom door opened, revealing a very annoyed Mother. "Sasuke hunny-" Mikoto eyes widened and her words froze in her throat when two surprised expressions met hers. She sighed, a blush reddening her cheeks, "Again? Oh my, my boys grow so fast"

Naruto's face instantly reddened once again and he rapidly crawled out from underneath Sasuke, "W-We weren't doing anything!"

Mikoto blushed more at her thought, "Both of yous, get ready to leave, we don't want Naruto-kun staying here any longer to cause even more problems with the Uzumaki kingdom" Mikoto quickly left after that, finding her thoughts overwhelming.

Before Naruto could sign in relief, he felt his hand being yanked forward, his body landing hard against Sasuke's but Sasuke didn't budge. Naruto grunted as he tried to move but the arms tightly wrapped around him didn't move either. "Sasuke?" Naruto questioned when Sasuke didn't say anything.

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