Part 1

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Hi, I am y/n... Full name Kim y/n and my story is kind of weird. A little brief. Dreams are amazing, aspiring, interesting, scary, unreal and the weirdest stuff happens in there. But what if I tell you a dream can change your real life? 

I was 12 when I lost my mom to a demon. The day she left, she told me a story 

"Y/nnie... Baby come here, today I am telling you a story," Eomma said cheerfully. "Coming eomma!" I shouted from my room, leaving my drawing of a cute little family of me, eomma and appa. I put my pencil down and I rushed downstairs in my cute blue pajamas as I saw eomma sitting on our couch in her pretty white dress looking so beautiful and ethereal. I jumped past 2 stairs and hugged eomma, she hugged me back kissed my head. She always told me her stories which were really dreamy and beautiful. "What's today's story?" I asked excitedly "Today is about how a beautiful lady fell for a ruthless demon. The lady was the most beautiful girl in her village and every man in the village wanted to marry her. The demon was visiting the village to find someone to kill for his hunger. At the same time, the lady was roaming the village helping everyone in need. The demon's eyes fell on her and he promised himself to make her his. He changed his appearance and hypnotized her dad to make her marry him." 

As she continued the story, I saw her pearl white dream turning red from her stomach as her eyes started to water and her voice became weaker. "Eomma what is happening! You are bleeding! We need to go to the hospital!" I shouted and tried grabbing her hand. To my surprise, I couldn't grab her. It was as if she was just an illusion and not my real mom. "WHO ARE YOU!?" I shouted on top of my voice as dad came down running. I saw mom's skin turn green and her pearl white dress now had a big patch of blood on her stomach as if she was torn open from there. "Baby... The day you dream and you see yourself totally different in the mirror from what you were before... Is the day you saw your past life." Dad was right behind me as he saw everything unfold right in front of his eyes. I was devasted and confused. Just when I was about to speak, I bright light came from thin air and a big demonic green hand pulled mom inside. Appa quickly closed my eyes before I could see what he looked like. 

I struggled in dad's arms crying and yelling for him to let me go with mom but by the time he let me go, the bright light already vanished and the bloodstains from my mom's dress on the couch and the floor disappeared. Everything went back to normal as if mom was never sitting there, bleeding, and not even a bright light appears in front of me and pulled her away from me. 

I turned around furiously looking at dad as he fell down and started crying. Tears won't stop from my eyes too but I was not ready to accept the reality. I started running around the house screaming for mom to come out of any random room and tell me it was just a dream and hug me, pat me on my head, and kiss my temples as she would sing me a lullaby to calm me down. 

In the vein, I didn't find mom in the whole house. Still keeping hope, I tried calling her number from my phone but her number was not there... Like I never saved it, the phone history also was missing, like she was never in my life. Nonetheless, I called her number, still... The number you are trying to connect to doesn't exist, please check the number. 

By this time, my mind was blank, I couldn't think anything. I came back into the living room watching dad cry on the floor. I sat in the same exact place where mom sat before disappearing. The place was cold... As if no one ever sat there. I started crying. Crying like anything. Dad also came to the couch and hugged me... We both cried for what seemed like an eternity. Dad stabled first as he would say sweet nothings to calm me down while rubbing my arms up and down, patting my head, and giving head kisses. This somewhat calmed me as I slowly walked to my room to write what mom told me before disappearing.

The day you dream and you see yourself totally different in the mirror from what you were before... Is the day you saw your past life.

I wrote it in big bold letters and stuck it on my wall. 

After that day, I started dreaming... Every night. Sometimes her, sometimes random people. Dad never came in my dreams. Every morning after waking up, I would rush to the bathroom to myself. Nothing is changed. I would still have my pajamas on with a braided bed head and my eyes red and teary from the nightmares I have. Every now and then I used to burst out crying thinking about mom. Dad didn't marry again as he loved mom way too much to replace her with anyone else. The only photo of mom that didn't disappear was in my dad's wallet. Their wedding photo of her in an off white dress with a net veil in her long curled brown hair with light brown highlights as they both had their lips connected and dad hugging her waist while mom had her palms against dad's chest. Their eyes closed and a tint of a smile on their lips as they both deeply in love. "Appa, why didn't this photo disappear?" I asked curiously as every other photo, even the ones with me disappeared. Then why is this only photo here? "They say, if you really loved your partner then their photo won't disappear with you. Same going with mom, since you arent her partner as in life partner, your photos disappeared, but you loved her so much, your memory isn't erased out." Dad replied. "Hope mom/wife is safe in heaven," I and dad thought at the same time.

"Appa, why you never disappeared?" I asked again because I wanted to be ready for the time I would be by myself in this whole house. "I guess we would never know." Saying that we both hugged each other.

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