HI HELLO IM ON THE VERGE OF TEARS !!!!!!!! yes anyways
who kisses you under the mistletoe 😰😰 (literally any character i can't)
+*+Fire Signs*+*
~*Aries: Kakyoin*~
~*Leo: dio but part 1*~
~*Sagittarius: gyro*~+*+Water Signs+*+
~*Cancer: yasuho*~
~*Pisces: johnny*~
~*Scorpio: joshu*~+*+Earth Signs+*+
~*Taurus: diaya*~
~*Virgo: diavolo 🤯*~
~*Capricorn: dio but part 3*~+*+Air Signs+*+
~*Gemini: doppio*~
~*Libra: giorno*~
~*Aquarius: kira*~kejdhsbJjHjjqjaAAAAAAA
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Zodiac Book
Humorlook at me making another zodiac book uwuuwuwuwuwuwwuuwu i'll just be using characters that i really know and from the parts i've watched/read (i'm lying but not) jolyne is my wife enjoy the crack edit: i finally made a cover for this and it's very...