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Time for Sagittarius!!!
Beware of a bit of mood swings/Angst.


(Name) Was walking around outside and trying to avoid any spirits besides the mokke due to being able to see the supernatural and being in a good mood.The school was empty due to it being the weekend.

"(Name)!!"(Name) stopped dead in their tracks knowing who that childish voice belonged to. "Tsukasa.." (Name) said getting a bit agitated because when he got close enough to (Name) he always clinged to them."Hi (Name)!!" Tsukasa said clinging to (Name)'s side like a magnet."Hey Tsukasa......"(Name) said obviously annoyed but anyone could hear that they were a bit happy with him around."Whatcha doing~?"Tsukasa said expanding the 'n'.

"Walking around trying to look for anything to do."(Name) said plainly with a bored tone."Ooo!~Then why don't you come and visit us!~"Tsukasa said in a happy and excited tone.(Name) thought for a second"Alright i guess..?"(Name) said in a kinda happy voice.

Tsukasa dragged (Name) Inside the school and around it navigating to the Broadcasting room."Hey Tsukasa could you slow down?"(Name) Said trying to keep up and not stumble."But we gotta get there fast!"Tsukasa said still trying to pull (Name) to the room and navigate."Please Tsukasa?"(Name) said with a bit of an soft and annoyed voice.Tsukasa then stopped dead in his tracks."I said,Were gonna get there fast."Tsukasa said with the dark tone and a shadow over his face making (Name) Shivered a bit and pull away from him.

"No."(Name) said with confidence which kinda surprised Tsukasa. "What?" Tsukasa said still in shock."I said No.I'm not gonna go with you if you act like this.Today is valentines day which means everyone is supposed to be happy and sweet And lovable!That's a rule!"(Name) Said confidently and bravely which Made Tsukasa completely Shocked of their words and how they spoke to him. "Okay..Sorry.." Tsukasa said out of shock."It's fine!But could we just walk around instead?" (Name) said calmly and sweetly.Tsukasa weirdly had a bit of pink on his cheeks and grabbed (Name's) wrist dragging (Name) in the opposite direction of the broadcasting room and back outside to the garden."Uh..Tsukasa where are we going?"(Name) said in a questionable tone."Shush."Was all Tsukasa said as he dragged (Name) to the garden and to the...'THE CONFESSION TREE?!' Was all (Name) could think 'IS HE GONNA CONFESS?!' Was also what (Name) thought about as you blushed due to your thoughts."(Name)!!!Snap out of it!!"Tsukasa shouted at you."Sorry sorry!But why are we here..?"(Name) said still blushing."Well..Because i wanted to say..."Tsukasa started.'He's Really gonna confess!!'
"I..Want you to be my assistant!!"Tsukasa said cheerfully."W-What?"(Name) said dumbfounded.Tsukasa smiled and laughed"Just kidding..~"Tsukasa started to float to your height.He grabbed your shoulders and stared deep into your eyes."I want you to go out with me..~"Tsukasa said truthfully in a playful voice."You what..?Wait..You..Wan-"Tsukasa cut you off."Yes..I do.So i want an answer.."Tsukasa said demandingly."I..I......YES!!!I mean...Yes!I will go out with you!"(Name) shouted then lowered their voice.So on they lived happily ev-


No they did nottt!They didn't even kissss!!Shut up Yashiro.But Yashiro is righttt!!Shut upp Akane Aoi.Rude!So what?!I still updated!!Still!!Whatever.

Anyways!!Hope you enjoyed!!

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