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Your turn Virgo!!beware of grammar!Sorry for not updating in so long!!


(Name) trotted through the (Disgustingly?) love filled halls out of boredom and lonesome.

They walked towards the library and entered it unaware of the person spectating them from..Some place.(Name) heard something fall and land with a loud thud."Hello..?"They called out a bit confused as to why someone else would be here during lunch too.No response, just complete silence.

"Maybe I'm imagining things..?" (Name) Said to themself.They ventured forwards on through the library looking for a table to sit at and either read or play on their (Electronic) secretly.

They thought nobody else was in the Library.But oh boy..Were They Wrong.

(Name) found a nice isolated table and sat in a chair."Its awfully silent..I guess some Music would help?"(Name) said as they grabbed their (MP3 player or Phone) and turned on their liked songs.

The figure was now behind (Name) with a straight and evil face"I know yours and your friend's darkest and weird secrets"The tall person says.(Name) Didn't hear the person due to having their headphones in, which aggravated the one behind (Name).

The person snatched the headphones out of (Name's) ears which scared the living out of (Name) and The person repeated"I know your- you know what, it doesn't feel the same the second time.(Name) why are you in the library?" The person says and (Name) whips around hoping it's not a teacher or staff member due to the fact that nobody should be at the library today, even during lunch.The person was Tsuchigomori which made (Name) nervous hoping to not get in trouble."H-Hello Tsuchigomori..! I was just..Practicing my calming tactics!"(Name) said definitely nervous and wary of the situation they were in.

Tsuchigomori shook his head in Unbelief."Just..What's the real reason?"

"To get away from others.." (Name) had the tone of defeat.They were nervous and didn't know what Tsuchigomori will do since their there instead of Lunch.

"well that makes more sense.I will allow you to stay here..Stay out of trouble." Tsuchigomori said then walked away.

That was the friendly ending but if you want more than a friend relationship then here's a different ending.

He nodded"Don't get caught again, Love~"This made (Name) legitimately Blush a bunch.To some people it's wrong but to others it's not and to the two it isn't. "O-Okay..."(Name) stuttered now due to being flustered.(Name) had to admit that they had a small crush Tsuchigomori though they knew about Him being apart of the 7 Wonders.They were good friends with Hanako and Liked to hang out with him but they also liked to be alone sometimes.

Hope you liked it!I didn't wanna have You guys and Tsuchigomori Be in a relationship until your 'older' cause in this scenario your 16 and  I think that the wonders don't age anymore so it would make sense!

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