🔅EPI 16🔅

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Sun was rissing. Jimin slowly open his eyes but it's hard to open full eyes because of the light coming from the window. After min when jimin completely open his eyes. He feel someone presence behind him. everyday when he wake up suga already go to his office. But when he trun he smile to see suga by his side. Suga was sleeping peacefully jimin slowly come near and placed a kiss on suga check. He got up from the bed to freshen up and start the day.

He was so happy. Jimin was thinking that suga come home late night that's why he can't wake jimin up. He thinks that suga pick him up and bring him to their room. But he don't know that reality. He showered and dressed up and all the time smiling like crazy.

Jimin cook the breakfast for suga. When he set all the things on table he come to his room wake suga up. But when he come in the room he can't see anyone in the room. He thinks that suga already has gone to his office but he flinched when the washroom door open and close he turn and see suga was drying his hair.

"Good morning." Jimin said all smiley and waiting for suga reply.

" Oh good morning I think you sleep very well last night." Suga said in angry voice but jimin smile he think that suga know he was waiting for him that's why he was asking for him.

"Yes I was waiting for you last night but I think you come late but don't worry I don't mind it." Jimin said true but suga mind thinking that he was with Taehyun last night.

"Ok I wanted to talk about something." Suga said but jimin cut him off " Breakfast is ready. I think you can't eat last night. I cooked for you. First we eat breakfast I have to tell you something too." Jimin said smiling he can't to tell suga great news. But suga think that he wanted to tell something about his new relationship.

They come downstairs and eat breakfast silently. Jimin feel that something is off suga can't even see his side. They eat silently no one dare to talk. After eating suga go to his room but jimin can't go. He washed all dishes before come to his room. Suga was talking with someone on his phone. So he silently close the door and sit beside suga. Jimin heart beat become faster just to sit beside suga. After everything happened in the club they can't sit like this and talk each other. After min suga cut the call.

"Ok Tell me first what you wanted to say." Suga said in Calm voice but deep inside he was dying to hear what jimin wanted to tell him.

"N_no go first. I wanted to tell you something important so tell me what you wanted to say" jimin said calmly without seeing toward suga.

"Are you _are you wanted to end this relationship?" Suga said he wanted to know what jimin was doing behind him. Jimin smile disappear on his face. His heart break in to million pieces just to hear what suga said. But he wanted to know the reason. He trun suga side and then there eyes meet but seeing in suga eyes he only see anger for him. His eyes filled with tears he hurriedly trun his eyes to his own lap.

"W_why are saying like this. What make you t_think that I wanted to end our relationship." Jimin said his voice broke in the end. Suga fist clinched with anger just to hear that.

He grip his hand on jimin waist and trun jimin forcefully by his side. Jimin flinched by the touch. He try to escape suga grip but suga tied his grip more. Tears filled in jimin eyes. He don't know what to do. He don't wanted to hurt his baby.

"Are you fucking kidding me. I don't come home on time every day so you go to other man fuck you in my house." Suga said with so much anger in his voice Jimin body start trembling badly but he don't know what suga was talking about so he don't give any ans.

Suga try to control his anger. But when jimin don't give any ans. He think what taehyung said was right.

Flash back......

When suga come to his room he sit on the bed and think about how he ask jimin about what he see last night. He thought cut when his phone rung. He took and a small smile appeared on his lips just to see who call him. He attend the call.

"Hi suga. I am in your office room. But you are not here. Are you alright?" Suga smile but he don't know why he was smiling just to hear taehyung voice.

"Oh I know why you don't come office today. You are enjoying your time with your husband. I Know he must be bour with out you all past day?" His smile disappear when Taehyung said about jimin.

"No it's not what you are thinking. I just _ I just have something to solve." Suga said with disappointed and Taehyung know very well that there must be a reason behind.

"Oh if you have any problem tell me. I try to help you to solve the problem." Taehyung said and suga smiled. Suga think that if he tell taehyung.

"Oh I know you have a solution all my problem." And with that he tell everything to taehyung and taehyung smile and smirk was on his face but suga can't see his face.

"Oh so you think that jimin was cheating you. He have a relation with Taehyun. You just have to talk with him. If he don't then you are right." Taehyung said and suga fell nervous about what jimin said.

"You have to be fired Taehyun from his job. If you wanted jimin to stay with you. I know jimin is cute everyone wants to be with him. If Taehyun have fillings for jimin. He don't give up on him that easily. So better move on another place." Taehyung said with smile on his face he think that suga do what he wanted.

On the other side suga think that taehyung was right. So better he do something before it's late. He hear the door open And close. They says goodbye to each other.

End flash back......

Jimin was looking down to the floor. Tears roll down on his check one by one. Suga grip on his waist was so tight.He can't even breath properly. But he just stand there without saying anything.

"If you don't wanna say anything then I have tell you." Suga said with anger and jimin was confused what suga going to tell him.

"Last night when I come home. You were fucking sleeping in taehyun arms. He put you in our room. Why can't you sleep in his room.?" suga screamed last sentence and he griped more tight on jimin waist. Jimin start coughing tears drop in his eyes when he can't properly breath. But suga can't lose his grip.

Jimin can't think properly this time. He was trying to release from suga grip. He wanted to protect his baby. He don't wanted to hurt his baby because of him. He think that suga took him last night in his room but he don't know why suga was saying Taehyun name. They all know that he is waiting for suga.

"Pack your stuff. We are going to move an apartment in seoul." Suga throw jimin on the bed with so much anger and get out of the room. Now he have to buy apartment and set all the things before going there.

Jimin sat there cry for pain in his waist. He was also trying to understand what happened in an hour. He wanted to tell suga about their baby but he think if he tell now that he is pregnant. Suga think that may be that was not his child. He was Soo scared what happened if suga can't accept his baby. He don't wanted to get things more complicated. He close his eyes and lead down to the bed try to control the pain and he don't know when sleep took over him.


Sorry for late update.😔
But I try to update more chapters.
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