🔅EPI 17🔅

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Suga is walking around the garden. He was so deep in his own thought he don't notice it's evening. He was regretted his own behavior with jimin. But he is very confused. He know what he see last night not prove that jimin is cheating with him. But he can't control his anger every time he see jimin is very touchy and comfortable with other man.

He know Taehyun very long time and he know very well that Taehyun can't do that to him. But he can't control his passiveness toward jimin side. He know that jimin is beautiful, good looking and everyone wanted to be with him that's why he decide to move an apartment.

He set everything to move an apartment. He tell taehyung everything about what happened this morning. Today he can't go to office. He don't know every time he see taehyung or hear his voice he feel his heart flattered but he don't know why he feel like this. Everytime he talk about his problem with taehyung. He feels relive and it's like they know each other very long time and he can't hesitate to tell anything taehyung.


Jimin slowly open his eyes try to adjust the light coming from the window. He trun his side but his breath hitched when he feel sudden pain in his waist. He lead down again but after min he try to get up from the bed. He took painkillers before going to freshen up.

He stand their naked in front of the mirror. His hands slowly caressed his tummy while tears drop from his eyes. He was hurt what suga said to him. He don't know if Taehyun took him in his room. But what suga said to him break his heart in to pieces. He think that suga want some time to understand him and believe him.

He was seeing in the mirror and think about his past. When he meet suga he think that now his life gonna change but now he think that he was wrong. How his life gonna be change when the only person in his life can't trust him. He can't do anything wrong this time then why suga behave with him like this. He trun on the shower and sit on the ground and cry his heart out.

After crying he took shower. He come out of the bathroom and put simple dress. He can't see suga in his room and first time he feel relieve that suga was not there. He packed all his stuff. After packing he sit on the bed. He feel tired just for packing his stuff.

He come downstairs to know where's suga.
He see ZOY was cleaning the table. He know that suga can't allow them to come my room after what he said about Taehyun.

"Zoy where's suga. He tell you that we are moving today on his new apartment. " Jimin said smiling try to hide his feeling. He sit on the chair and zoy sit beside him.

"Yes he tell me. I am sorry jimin. I know that he always hurt you everytime you try do to something. You always try to things better between both of you. But in the end you hurt yourself." Zoy said with hurtfull smile on his face. He took jimin hand on his hand. Jimin eyes filled with again he quickly hugged zoy and break down once again. He cry once again but this time he has someone to hug him when he crying.

After min jimin stop crying he was so much tired for crying. Zoy was trying to comfort him. He took his seat again and whipped his tears with sweater paws.

"I a_am s_sorry zoy. I am such a cry baby."Jimin said smiling and this time not faked one. He don't know but he feel safe with zoy always. He always consider his as his mother place.

"Don't be jimin. I know it's difficult but try to be strong. Suga is angry with you but I don't know the reason and I don't wanted to know." Zoy said while caressing jimin hand.

" I cared about suga always. I think of him as my son. He's not a bad person. I know him when he was just a child. But now he changed a lot. Plz don't be separated from him. Just give him some time." Zoy said with sadness. Jimin smile at her. And promise himself to obey what she said to him.

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