Story 4

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"Nishikata, I know I should talk with you regarding my problem. I'm sorry if I somehow distant myself from our friend and a bit of you. It is hard to say, especially when a hard tsunami just poured unto me. I just want to tell you how much I love my parent, my friend and you. You know, when someone you love in your live is still be with you, you take it for granted. When they've gone, you started searching for them and ask, "Why I feel incomplete without them?". I remember at one point where I used to fight with my mother when I'm was a kid. It is hilarious, especially with my immaturity at that time. I know you do experience this as well, Hansuke. A yesterday fight, soon to be forgotten, like a memory in a dark dungeon. A fight is sometime not worth it at all. But, when a someone you love is missing elsewhere, a fight would worth a thousand of good memories. Memory is just like a strip of film, filling it with a story of spices. Memory sometime can be forgotten, but a person who love you so much will not forget you, even if the boundary between you and your loved one worth a light year. A love is just like a white wormhole, bypassing all those darkness and deliver a message to a loved one, who's far away from you. Like a rain pouring from the sky like this day, I feel very near to you, searching for the pondering of love and affection. It is my hope that whatever happen to us, we will remember each other until our unexpected death. I wish Mano would heard this, but she's gone before I could say farewell to her."

- Rei Takagi, talking to Hansuke Nishikata, while in the darkness of the rain.

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