Chapter 5

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Healing took longer then expected, my body ended up being slouched on the bed set and a week of looking at the same pastel walls drug me to boredom.

The Alpha visited me every few hours a day, however I acted asleep each time he peeked through the door.It started to get lonely here without the presence of anyone really, silence would echo off the walls it was just a hustle sigh of my breath.

My mind was not set on conversing with the Alpha nor anyone else. I only had the wanting feeling of seeing my father. I didn't dare gather my courage to open the room door though.

Sadly I haven't even gotten a single drop of sleep since the nightmare either, it mostly kept me at bay on the edge of the bed.

The screaming, the girl, the depth of the Alphas lust made me keep my eyes open.

It was dark in here too.The only source of light I would get is the balcony window. When the curtains where open anyways. Ive had the thought of opening the glass doors but I was always stuck on what was on the other side. I was never told where I was, I wasn't ever told why I was still even kept in this nice room instead of a cellar.

My legs crisscrossed on the bed, staring at the wall blankly with my hands in my lap and my back slightly hunched. How many days has it been since I've transformed? Everything still felt weak, like I was normal human recovering from a long work out.
Catching me off guard I heard the door slightly creek open.

"You're up. " The voice trills down my spine, it's depth made me scramble from my spot and scoot backwards.

"Leave. " I turn my head, letting the covers that hung from my shoulders feather down next to my elbows. The Alpha stood calmly from a distance, watching my every move.

"You are in my bedroom Lycan. I can do as much as I please in my house. " He states and bit his lip.

"I wish to not speak to you nor anyone else, so leave." I hustle, everything in my gut churned. The foggy memory of the dream filling my thoughts, causing my eyes to squeeze shut.

"You're different than most females I hope you know. "

"I don't have the same fantasies as they do Alpha. " I reopened my eyes and bit the bottom of my lip.

"Hm. But you still fantasise?"

"Didn't say that, don't put words into my mouth for me either Donavon."

"You used my first name, that's getting me somewhere."

"It's not getting you anywhere. You're annoying me, I've asked kindly for you to leave. Don't blame me when things get messy. " I growl. I swung my legs over the bed and calmly walked towards the brute.

He squared up, placing his chest against mine as he inched closer then my original stance and tried to stand his ground. His eyebrow raised, a quick snatch of my wrists made me gasp and begin to struggle.

"You have guts Bethany. Most would be intimidated by my presence but yourself. Why?" He said.

"Because YOU are just like everybody else. However you act nothing more but a pest to me. "

You could feel the deep rumble the male seemed to make in his chest producing the loud growl. His slight chest bump caused me to lose balance and fall straight on my ass with a grunt.

"Me a pest? A pest, wouldn't be saving your life right now. And who do you think you are? YOU make no difference than myself either then. Just because your a rare breed doesn't mean you get special treatment."

"Then why am I in your bedroom? Special treatment my ass."

"Would you rather be rotting in a cellar like the rest of them!? I can arrange that you know. " He retorts and places his hand on his waist.

My body had stayed on the ground when I had gotten shoved. I move my head, turning it in disgust. What an ass.

He stood there for a second and sighed before taking the step forward to crouch in front of me.

"Your words hurt me. And I somehow cannot be upset with you in anyway... No matter what you tend to conflict on me. "

His hand gently touched my chin and guided it forward. Making sure that my eyes lock with his, I scoffed.

"Don't touch me. " I whisper, moving my head from his gentle grasp. I shift my limbs, scooting a inch away so I could get up. Of course everything ached from the shove and I quickly retreated back to the bed. But when I looked back he had disappeared.

Donovans POV

"What a stubborn little..."

My words trail off and my mind ends up going blank. Why am I doing this again? I honestly need a constant reminder why she's in my bedroom and not in the infirmary with the rest of them, even in the dungeon would safise. I mean she could at least say 'Thank you for not killing me instead letting me join your pack' or some shit like that but no. I'm a pest

I'm a pest? That's the funniest thing I have ever heard someone call me.

"Pest." I chuckled and cross my arms while I continue my way down the hallway, passing a nurse who looks back at me with a frown.

"Oh... No I didn't mean to imply that you're a.. " I sigh, watching the nurse who just waved her hand and laughed her way to my room..

"My apologies!!" My voice cracks while my hand firmly grasps the wooden railing to help my feet glide down the set of stairs.

"Son!!! Alpha Donovan!!" The shrill of the high pitch irritation catches my attention.

Normally once a man reaches the right age he is to move out of his mother's house but I mean, is it bad that the mother moved in with the son? Because I also need a reminder of why I had allowed her to move in with me.

"There you are!!! " Her curvy silhouette comes forth from the shadows. Her scent of strong peppermint fill the surroundings while the bounce of her brunette high tail swayed to the sides, her arms eventually embraced my bulky stature.

"Oh! Sir you need to get rest, your starting to get bags under your eyes. Not something good for a man your age. " She backed off and patted my cheek while her eyes obviously continued to observe.

"I have gotten enough rest mother. " I retaliate.

"Sleeping on the couch? go get some sleep in your bed and throw that mutt out into the cellar. " Her upbeat tone always tends to hide her frustration, mostly my mother tries to hide her small temper and wouldn't explode on it like I would.

"Mother, I'm fine, really. " I hold a smile. Enough to ignore the comment. My eyes looked down to her. She was fairly small probably smaller then Beth but my mother wasn't a wolf to mess with. She was never Alpha female but she had earned her place in the pack as a highly ranked elder.

"Donovan, son, Uh how can I say this nicely. If you don't get that disgusting creature out of your room sometime today I will for you. I'm not putting your health on the risk for someone you don't even know. So. Get rid of her. " Her tone of happy go lucky quickly switched to a more deadly and serious. Her gentle pats on my chest left me frowning. She was serious if I didn't get Beth out of that room sooner or later my mother would step in and take her out herself.

"I'll see what I can do.. But for now, " My hands grasped her shoulders trying to turn her back around. Her abrupt expression led me to believe that I had caught her off guard.

"Why don't you go see how dad is doing, maybe bring him here for dinner? "

I eventually open the front door and gently place her outside.


"-K. Great thanksss." I quickly slam the door    and lean on it,  placing my ears on the wood,  waiting for her heels to click down the set of stairs.  Letting me acknowledge that she finally left.

The dramatic pause of silence before the faint clicking left me aware.

"Finally." I sigh. My hands rub against the door before giving me force to lean away from it.

I've never hated my mother, but I never found her pleasing to be around either. I had thought that she'd change over the years while I progressed into being an adult. But her habits haven't changed nor had her attitude towards others.

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