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After the second week since the funeral, apart of Dream started to accept that George might actually be gone, or at least gone from him forever. It wasn't easy to deal with, or to accept, but it was reality for now at least and Dream felt the pressure to accept it.

He looked up statistics on kidnappings and missing people, reading up on all of the statistics before him. Statistically, him still being alive was slim.

Dream didn't even know if he wanted George alive, considering the amount of trauma he'd be going through right now and how scared he'd be.

He thought he could maybe accept it, as shitty as it was.

That was, until the package came.

It came in his own personal mail box, addressed to "Clay and Darryl" and had no return address. Dream thought maybe one of his friends sent the mail. When he opened the mail however, there was scraps of hair and several CDs. Luckily, Dream had a big TV in his office with a CD and tape player.  Dream felt sketched out by this package delivery, but felt the need to watch it.  They had numbers in order written on the CDs in marker to watch. 

Dream grabbed CD number 1 and inserted it into the CD player after blowing on it a bit to get the dust off.  The screen for the first few seconds was black, playing a music box that sounded like a lullaby.  When the screen came on, the camera opened to a kitchen.  The person holding the camera was breathing heavily and shaky.  They walked into a living room, and down the stairs to a basement with the lights completely off.  He could hear crying in the dark of the basement.

Dream felt the hairs on his arm raise in extreme discomfort and his vision started to get blurry.  What the fuck was this? What was he going to see? What sick fuck sent him this?

He listened to the person reach up with their arms and pulled a light bulb chain from the ceiling.  The lights flickered on and Dream started screaming.

George was on a bed with his legs tied.  He had tears streaming down his face and some blood on his cheeks.  He started to hyperventilate when the person got closer.

"Gogy," the camera person said in a high pitched voice, "Gogy I'm here now don't cry."

"Don't call me gogy," George yelled.

George is blinking in an odd pattern at the camera, just staring into it. It seemed like there was something wrong with his eyes.

The person behind the camera slaps George and he sobs and whimpers. The camera gets dropped and he could see the shoes of the captor, red heels, and the dirt on the floor. The footage cut off with the sound of George being slapped and his cries.

Dream quickly turned the television off and started at the black screen for awhile.  Dream looked down at the discs, with all the numbers on it. 

The blinking, what was that about?

Suddenly something clicked to Dream and he turned on the television again and rewound the disc. He watched closely to George's blinking, with the audio off.  The blinking pattern was odd and very forced. It could be the crying, but his eyes didn't blink like that the times Dream saw George cry.

George was using Morse code.

Dream quickly got a notebook and pencil from his desk frantically and rewound the footage. He wrote down each letter he recognized, after rewinding the CD several times.


Dream stared at the notebook and checked several times, but that was the only message. Dream started yelling for Darryl, and Darryl ran in the room and immediately hugged him.

"George might be alive.  He still might be alive," Dream sobbed into Darryl's chest.

When Dream calmed down, Dream explained the discs to Darryl and what was contained inside them.

"We have to take these to the police, did you just watch one?"  Darryl asked.

"Yes, I watched the first one, why?" Dream said.

"There might be some finger prints or something inside of this box or on the CDs. Maybe they could find George with it!" Darryl said.

"You're right, you're right."

Darryl picked up his phone and called the police.  They came and took the box of CDs from him and Dream showed them the code.

George was alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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