Chapter 1 Tiffany

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On a really hot day in NewYork a girl named Tiffany was in the brink of dehydration and the only home she had at the moment was a store room in a bakery but wasn't allowed to be there during the day so she spent it wandering around wondering when her parents would find her she hoped it was soon because she was getting no water at all. She had a choice from the baker FOOD or WATER. Of course she chose food because she saw what the baker could make. But she didn't know she would get scraps only. So she had no source of water. "Great now my parents will never find me and I will pass out with no water" she thought ."And no one will find me on the street and my only hope for water is the lake which will only make me sick. so I wish my parents would find me now well I am thirteen so I can look after my self from now on and hopefully my parents will find me in a few days".But what she did not know was her parents were so close to finding her but they kept losing track because she was constantly moving. Nearby she saw a small stream. "Well I may as well give it a try ". But as she got closer she saw that there was fish in it. "ugg" She ran to the bakery which was a mile away and Tiffany didn't think she could make it. She made it just in time. " I will sneak in" she whispered to herself. And when the baker had his back turned she tiptoed in but she forgot one thing THERE WAS A BELL ON THE DOOR! The baker turned his back and screamed."GET OUT OF HERE YOU OR ELSE!!!" "No I won't" answered Tiffany. "Well then what." "I am simply asking if I could borrow a cup". "Fine but bring it straight back." "Ok I will " Tiffany grabbed a cup from the cupboard and ran back to the stream and put some water in it without any fish in it but even though there were no fish there was plenty of Algea."ugh there is no point in doing this when everytime I try to get water there is always something wrong with it."

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