Chapter 1

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"Rachel!" Annabeth shouted. She jogged over to hug her redhead friend. "It's so good to see you!"

"Good to see you too Annabeth." Rachel Elizebeth Dare gave her a fierce hug back. "How's it going with Percy? I heard your anniversary is coming up."

"Oh he's just fine. Although Lily's giving him a run for his money. She seems to be the one causing the most trouble in the house now." Annabeth smiled as she spoke of her four-year old daughter. "We're thinking she might have Posideon's powers, but it's too soon to tell."

The two women began to make their way toward the Big House. Chiron, the centaur trainer, stood waiting to greet them on the steps. With his equine half compacted into his wheelchair, he looked the part of a wise teacher.

"Ah! Rachel. It's always good to have our Oracle back with us. How goes business in the art world?"

Rachel smiled. After spending several summers at Camp, she had rejected the offer of joining her father's multimillion dollar company, instead choosing to set up an art center in Long Island. She was still possessed by the Spirit of Delphi, and made weekend visits to Camp Half-Blood in case of a vision or prophecy.

She grinned warmly at the centaur. "Everything's great, thanks for asking. My newest exhibit opens next week. And according to my agent, it might be the most important one yet!"

"That's wonderful. Annabeth, how's life with Percy? I haven't seen him at all today."

Annabeth nodded. "It's good. He'll be getting here later tonight with Lily. She can't wait to meet you, Chiron."

Chiron nodded. "It's always good to see new demigods. And old ones too." He waved to someone behind them. "Speaking of which, here comes Miss McLean now."

Annabeth and Rachel both spun around to see Piper sprinting up the path. "Guys!" She shouted excitedly, "I missed you!" She reached them, and the three of them embraced in a fierce hug.

Piper had grown up a lot since they had last seen her. She was still living in California, helping out Jason with his Pontifex duties. Her once-choppy hair had grown out, and was now braided into its usual style. Her kaleidoscope eyes sparkled mischievously, reflecting the blue of the Big House and green grass. At her side hung Katoptris, the Horn of Plenty, and a blowgun.

"Piper! How're you doing?"

"I'm great, thanks."

"And Jason?" Rachel asked.

"He's fine. He'll be here tomorrow. He just needed to finish up some last minute adjustments to one of the newest Roman temples. Honestly, you'd think there would be no more gods left to build for." The three of them shared a laugh.

Jason took his job as Pontifex very seriously. It had been 7 years since he had made the promise to Kymopoleia to build the shrines and temples, and he had worked nonstop to keep it. Already 17 new temples and cabins had been constructed between the two camps, with more on the way.

"I haven't seen Leo and Calypso. Are they coming?" Piper asked as the three of them walked down the path.

"Leo just sent me this an hour ago." Annabeth pulled a scroll out of her back pocket and unrolled it. A four-inch digital figure of Leo Valdez stood before them.

"Holá, mis amigos!" Tiny Leo shouted, "Cal and I are en route to Camp! ETA one hour. We are bringing a surprise for all of you! Adiós!" Tiny Leo waved, then disappeared.

"Wow. What surprise do you think they're bringing?" Rachel wondered. She waved to a few campers near the archery range.

"I don't know. They got married barely two years ago, and just opened up their shop last year. But knowing Leo, he probably has something up his sleeve."

Rachel nodded to the others. "Well, I gotta get to my cave. Lots of stuff to take care of before the celebration. See you both later!" She jogged down the hill in the direction of her cave, leaving Piper and Annabeth alone.

"So how are things in the Aphrodite cabin?" Annabeth asked as they kept walking. They stopped next to the doc, and a few friendly naiads fluttered their fingers in greeting. Piper waved back.

"Good. Lacy is head counselor now. And from what I hear, she's driving all the little romeos here crazy." They continued on past the docs to the cabins area.

"She's what, fifteen now?"

"Sixteen. Look, there she is now."
Piper pointed to Cabin Ten. "Hi Lacy!"

The blonde Aphrodite girl waved and jogged over. "Hi Piper, Annabeth. Good to see you." They exchanged hugs.

"Oh my gods Lacy, you've gotten so grown!" Annabeth said as she hugged her. "And lovely too."

It was true. The eight-year old girl with braces and pigtails had become quite pretty. Her blonde hair fell in soft ringlets down to her shoulders, framing her dimpled face. Evergreen eyes glittered when she smiled, which complimented the handful freckles scattered across her nose.

"Thanks Annabeth. You look great too!"

"So," Annabeth said once they had finished hugging. "Piper tells me you've become quite popular with the boys around here." Lacy giggled mischievously. "Is there anyone in particular?"

Lacy nodded. She was about to reply, when another camper joined them.

"Oh, h-hi Harley." She stammered. Her cheeks flushed bright red. "What's up?"

Harley, the 16 year old son of Hephaestus, blushed wildly. He too had grown a lot in the past few years, and now stood almost half a head taller than Annabeth, and was built like a wrestler.

But despite his size, he seemed almost timid in front of Lacy. "I-I brought you these." He stammered. He thrust forward a bouquet of silver and Celestial bronze lilies. Annabeth quirked an eyebrow. "I made them so that they won't die." He added. "Normal ones are as pretty as you, but they would die, so..." he trailed off, his face turning bright red. It almost reminded her of Percy, the boy's awkward but sweet attempt at flirting

Lacy, who was equally red, accepted the flowers. "Thank you Harley." She said. She stood on her tiptoes and brushed a kiss against his cheek. "They're beautiful." Harley froze, and Lacy giggled.

Annabeth glanced at Piper. A knowing look passed before the two women.

Harley seemed like he would respond, when he was interrupted.

A scream cut through the air. And it was coming from Rachel's cave.
Hey guys!

I just want to say, thanks for easing my book! And thank you for the votes. It means a lot to me. Don't forget to follow for more fanfics! (Seriously, it motivates me to write more.)

Any thoughts/ideas/comments on the chapter?


Peace ✌️


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