Oh my god chapter 18

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Sorry i havent updated in ages
Bellas pov//
I closed my eyes and quickly said goodbye to paul and ringo and john and george in my head. I could look over them with my mum and everything would be ok. Wait! Footsteps. No. He cant come back. Hes done enough. But as they got closer i heard somebody gasp. 'We've found her!' He shouted. I opened my eyes to see a policeman. He bent down and stroked my arm. I flinched. 'Shhh dont worry we will help you here' he said holding out a hand. I carefully slid my hand out from underneath me and slowly grabbed hold of his hand. He helped me up but it was no good. I just fell back down. He caught me. My heart was racing. Where was Paul? 'Wheres my brother.' I whispered. The glass was still in my throat. And it was still slit. 'Shhh we'll get you into the ambulance and you can go to the hospital ok?' He said. It was calming.

Pauls pov
I got a call this morning to say they had definitely found her. I cried. She was nearly dead. I needed to get to blackpool somehow. I started to ring up john when there was a knock on my door. I opened it to see a doctor with a note. Wait no. She cant be dead. I read the note: 'Paul, i love you. Im sorry. Ill look over you. Goodnight and goodbye. B xx'
No! No!!!! She cant be dead. I let out a cry and tears started to form in my eyes. The doctor led me to the ambulance and told me i could go and see her.

Bellas pov
Goodbye paul. I love you all.

Pauls pov
I called the boys and they were going to come too. I got there and she looked so peaceful. I walked closer and she looked beautiful. All cleaned up and with make up. Then something spectacular happened to her...

All My Loving <Paul McCartney fanfic>Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin