Chapter 1

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𝕳𝖔𝖌𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖘 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘

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𝕳𝖔𝖌𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖘 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘

֎✾°•.֎✾°• ✩ •°✾֎.•°✾֎

For a family who was rarely late, it was pretty ironic they were late on the day Galiva Scamander was supposed to leave for Hogwarts. Hazel was the first to awake, which again, is weird because he is usually the one who's late most of the time. He had looked at the clock and then realized they had half an hour left to get to the train.

Soon the house was chaos, with everyone running to get ready and leave for Kings Cross Station. Galiva was stumbling around, the first to get ready, but had lost her satchel.

"Mum! Dad! have you seen my satchel?" Galiva asks when they pass by her, running to the front door to grab their shoes.

"We haven't, sorry. But try asking Grandma Tina, I think she moved it last night." Her mother was quick to shout, shooing Rolf away from the bathroom as he tried to grab his hair comb. As Galiva ran to find Tina she could hear her father whining about his hair looking horrendous.

The blue-eyed girl poked her head into the kitchen where she saw both her grandparents bustling around, Tina trying to make a small, hurried meal while Newt tiredly cleaned his glasses, while trying to find his wand.

"Dear, have you seen my wand?" Newt asked, looking through his glasses for any dirt.

"By the window over the sink," Tina replied before turning to Galiva who was by the doorway. Her grandmother smiled brightly pointing to the table where her satchel was. "I didn't want you to lose it, so I place it there just in case."

Galiva smailed thankfully before quickly grabbing her satchel, placing it over her head so it hangs by her side. Thanking Tina, she turned and jogged over to the doorway, waiting for everyone else to come. Glancing around she placed her hand near a plant, trying to act casual (even though there was nothing casual about it).

"Hurry," Galiva whispers quietly, feeling something slither underneath her sleeve. The reddish-brown haired girl hears quiet clicks and she glances as she watches a bowtruckle climb into her pocket, burying himself, before falling back to sleep. Galiva laughed silently as Peary, her bowtruckle fell asleep again.

As soon as she placed her arm down - carefully - Hazel showed by the door, his face pulled into a frown.

"Are you alright, Hazel?" The blue-eyed girl questioned, looking at her brother as he seemed to deflate.

"Yeah, just a little sad I can't go to Hogwarts," Hazel answered, looking up at Galiva with blank eyes. Galiva smiled, pulling him into a half-hug with one of her arms. Hazel smiled a little before the rest of their family hastily walked towards them.

"We need to go now or else Galiva is going to miss the train." Her father said. Matilda grabbed Hazel's hand while Rolf grabbed Galiva's and they all apparated to the station.

Galiva's stomach seemed to roll as she felt like she was being sucked into a tube. She squeezed her eyes shut, pressing her free arm to her chest. When they finally stopped she stumbled slightly, blinking her eyes a few times as the nauseous feeling was slowly going away.

Her blue orbs started to look around the station, her eyes landing on a sign that said '9 3/4, Hogwarts Express'. Continuing to look around she glances at the large clock, realizing she had a few minutes until the train left. Turning to say goodbye to her family, Galiva suddenly found it difficult to breathe as Matilda pulled her into a bone-crushing hug.

"Be good, sweetie. Pay attention and know I love you." Her mother whispered lovingly, only letting her go when Rolf told her Galiva couldn't breathe.

Galiva took a large gulp of air when she was released and smiled brightly at her mother before looking at her father.

"As your mother said, be good, pay attention, and know I love you." Rolf pulled her in a tight hug before letting go. Galiva looked at her grandparents who were smiling fondly.

"I know you'll do great, pup," Newt said, both him and Tina pulling her into a brief hug. Galiva felt her eyes become slightly glassy as she heard her nickname. Her grandparents had started to call her that when she was a little girl who loved to pretend to be a crup pup. It was rather humiliating when she remembers it but she was glad it happened.

Finally looking at her brother who looked a little moody. Galiva pulled him into a hug, Hazel immediately returning it by wrapping his arms around her. "I'll write you letters every weak," Galiva murmurs smiling as she felt Hazel tighten his arms around her.

"You better." That was all Hazel replied back with before letting go. Galiva grabbed her trunk and suitcase, feeling the eyes of her father's and Newt's as they stared at the suitcase that looked rather familiar. Rolf opened his mouth to say something but Hazel interrupted him.

"The trains about to leave. Galiva should get one now." He quickly interjected. Smoothly, Galiva began to walk away, smiling brightly.

"Bye!" She waves before pulling herself onto the train, struggling to tug her trunk and suitcase onto it. Galiva stumbles slightly when she pulled her trunk on but quickly regained her balance. Reaching for the door the train began to move and Galuva swayed slightly at the sudden movement. Smiling at her family she waves at them as they wave back.

She closed the door when the train was about to move inside the tunnel that leads outside. Turning, she reaches and wraps her fingers around her trunk, picking it up. Her suitcase was easier to carry, even though it looked like a trunk compared to her. Galiva began to make her way for a compartment

Galiva lowered her head slightly, her reddish-brown hair fell, hiding the sides of her face. Her eyes kept glancing at the window of each compartment, trying to find an empty one. She could feel something moving on her arm and her lips twitched into a smile.

She was hit with luck though as she soon found an empty compartment. Galiva slid the compartment door opened and walked inside. Placing her trunk on the over the rail and her suitcase on the seat beside her she closes the door. Glancing at the door she holds her arm out slightly, smiling brightly.

"You can come out now."

֎✾°•.֎✾°• ✩ •°✾֎.•°✾֎

Comment if you enjoyed it, I would like to read what you thought of it and what I need to improve. Pre warning this story will not get edited until I finish it so if there are any big mistakes that everyone will notice please comment to me about it.

Also, I'm not the best at dialogue, so if it seems rushed or something very weird, then I'm sorry. I'm trying really hard to make it the best I can. Updates might be random, I'm trying to make a schedule.

- Luna_Moon

- Luna_Moon

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