Murder, Soup, and Stars

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So I know that I was supposed to post this last week, but here you go.

Jason's POV

Jason groaned and hit his head on the table.

"Why is it so difficult to come up with a plan!"

He had been trying to figure out a way to get out of Tartarus for one week, and despite brainstorming and scheming day in and day out he couldn't come up with a single plan. At least not a feasible one. He already tried flying back out, but his powers cut out after a few hours every time. Back home he never made the plans, it was always Annabeth of some Roman advisor. His job was to make sure everyone followed the plan. Now he wished that he had paid more attention when they were strategizing.

"Jason is upset?"Bob questioned him from across the room.

"I've been looking a way out of here all week, and I can't find anything," he replied.

"There is no way out, Bob has told Jason this."

"Percy and Annabeth got out."

"Yes, through the doors of death. The doors are closed now. There is no other way." Bob said this with so much certainty that Jason's confidence began to waver.

"What if we opened then."

"Jason would let out all monsters into the world."

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He rested his head on the table, trying not to cry. Jumping into Tartarus was the worst mistake of his life, and of his death for that matter. He could have been chillin 'in Elysium right now but instead he will be stuck in this hell hole till the day he dies for the second time, and then he will be tortured for eternity. All of this because his friends might need him, and he might escape. He didn't even know who the lady was who told him this. So now he also had to question the validity of his source.

"She told me I needed to help my friends. The only way to do that is to get out, so it must be possible." Embarrassingly his voice cracked.

"Bob does not know how. Bob is sorry."

"It's ok Bob. You're doing enough by letting me stay here," he paused in thought, "Wait a second, didn't Annabeth send us a message from Tartarus somehow? A temple of Hermes or something?"

"The temple was destroyed after Percy and Annabeth left."

"Great, another dead end."

"Jason should take a break."

"And do what? Sit around here and accept my fate like you? Do you want me to spend the rest of my mortal life doing the same god damned thing every day," he slammed his hands down on the table and stormed outside before turning around and heading right back in, "I'm sorry Bob. I'm just really stressed out right now."

"Jason should not worry. Bob is not hurt by the words of tiny mortals." Bob ruffled Jason's hair and sat him down at the table. "It is time for lunch now. You will plan after."

"Thank you," He said quietly, while watching Bob walk out the door to fetch meat from the drakon that he killed that morning, had killed every morning before that, and will kill every morning to come. Jason couldn't imagine being stuck in an infinite loop like Bob, but he would probably find out unless he found some way to get out.

Moments later Bob came in and started preparing a stew. Jason felt something brush up against his leg and looked down to see Little Bob purring. He reached, lifted him onto his lap, and ran his fingers through his fur. The three of them were caught in a moment of rare comfortable silence until they heard footsteps and the sound of talking not too far away from Bob's hut.

"Jason hide. Bob and Little Bob go check." Jason didn't think twice before scrambling into the closet and shutting the door. They had specifically designed this closet for this scenario, so it was lined to mask his scent. Because of this he couldn't see or hear anything that was going on outside.

He had no idea how long he stayed in the closet, but a while later the door opened and he saw Bob with a huge grin on his face.

"Are they gone?" He asked him.

"Yes. Bob has good news." Bob's smile somehow widened.

"Why don't you tell me over dinner. I'm starving."

"You are?" Bob asked, eyes wide.

"It's just an expression. It means we should eat."

"Mmmm... Bob is starving as well then." Jason let out a rare chuckle for Bob's enthusiasm before sitting down at the table for lunch. "So, what's this good news?"

"Bob talked to the monsters before he killed them."

"What did they say."

"That Gaia is opening a small portal in eight months so that monsters can go into the mortal world."

"That's horrible news," Jason said before it dawned on him, "You think we could go through."

"As soon as it is opened Gaia is leaving. It will only be one titan and small monsters. Can Jason fight them off."

"Yeah I think so," he smiled, "You can come too."


"If the portal is big enough for a titan then you can definitely fit through, you're one of the smallest. Bob... we're going home."

"In eight months." His eyes shone.

"All we have to do is survive till then, and be there when it's open. Then close it on the other side." The excitement was setting in completely.

"Bob will see the stars again."

"Yes you will."


I think that I will change my update schedule to two chapter one week and one the next. Don't worry there will still be the same number of chapters, just more spreand out. There will be one more chapters of this within the next week so stay tuned. Bye folks.

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