Chapter 14

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A/N Hey everyone. Hope you are enjoying the story. I'm working on some other stories that I hope to publish on here. Hope everyone is well.



The Night I've Been Waiting For

Chapter 14


I had a hard time to sleep. I'm pretty sure that I only got about two full hours of sleep. So when I woke up I was yawning. I took a shower to wake myself up.

Once I dried my hair and put a pair of black skinny jeans and a turquoise long sleeve top. I headed downstairs. Mom was in the living room watching tv.

"Morning." I greeted as I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.

"Morning. What time did you get I last night? I never heard you come in."

"Around 10 o'clock. You were already asleep."

"Ah. I see. So...did you get everything?" Mom asked a look of dread on her face.

"Most. There are still a few in the basement that were to heavy." I told her. I didn't fell like telling her about my breakdown. I needed to be strong for her even though I just felt like crying.

"That's okay. So what are you doing today?" Mom asked turning her attention back to the tv.

"Well not sure about today, but tonight I'm going to go out with Cody, if that's okay?"

"Of course it okay. You haven't spent any time with your friends since... it...happened. Go have fun."

"Okay. Thanks Mom. Want anything for breakfast?" I asked getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"No thanks. I already ate. But eat whatever you want." She replied turning her attention back to the tv. I had no idea what I wanted to eat, so I just settled on some cereal.

After I had finished my cereal I went back up to my room. I got dressed in a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white blouse.

I was going to go over to work and apologise for not being there.

When I got there Bob was just opening the shop.

"Ah. Allison. It's so good to see you. How are...things?" Bob asked me ushering me into the store.

"Things are...okay. How have you been?" I asked Bob as he went behind the counter.

"I've been good. We've missed you around here. Are you here to work by any chance?" Bob asked turning on the lights for the store.

"Yes. That is if I still have a job here?" I hopefully asked.

"Of course you do. You'll be fine out here right?"

"Yes. Thanks Bob."

I headed behind the counter and took a seat on the stool. Not many people show up here to buy anything before ten, so I had a hour to kill.

Instead of just sitting around I decided to go and grab a guitar and start playing around. Before I knew it I was playing Torn.

I was so into the song that I didn't notice that someone had entered the store. I set the guitar down an headed over to where the person was standing. Their back was facing me so I couldn't see who it was.

"Hello. Is there anything I could help you with?" I asked.

The person turned around and it was Eric.

"Hey A." Eric said as he gave me a hug.

"Eric. What are you doing here? I thought you worked on saturdays?" I asked

"I do but I don't start till twelve, and I just decided to stop in. I didn't know that you were back working though. Does this mean that your coming back to school?" Eric asked following me back towards the counter.

"Yea. I guess."

"It's good to see you back out and about. It's been different without you around. I've missed you." Eric said looking at the ground.

"Well I'm back and I've missed you too..."

"Well I got to go but it was great to hear you sing again." Eric said heading towards the door.

"Okay. See you at school."

After Eric left, the store picked up and by closing we had sold five guitars and two drum sets.

We closed the shop at 6:30 so I headed home. At seven, Cody came and picked me up.

"Hey." Cody said as I walked out of the house.

"Hey." I replied closing the door and walking towards his car.

"So how was your day?"Cody asked as we got in his truck

"It was fine. I went to the shop and worked. Got to get back to my normal life." I buckled my seat belt.

"So are you coming back to school on Monday?" Cody askes as we drove away from my house.

"Yeah. I guess. Time to get back to my life." I stated out the windshield. My gaze was focused on the broken yellow line.

"That's good. It will be nice to have you back at school. Everyone has missed you." Cody said keeping his eyes on the road.

"Yea. I've missed everyone too." I mumbled never taking my gaze off of the yellow lines passing.

Once we got to a dinner in town, we got out of his truck and walked inside. We were seated right away. After the waitress left us with our menus, we didn't say anything. There was a long awkward silence between us. Cody occasionally sighed looking at his menu. I wasn't that hungry, so when the waitress came back all that I ordered was a muffin.

"So..."I could tell that Cody wasn't sure of what to say. Frankly neither did I. That awkward silence still hovering over us.

"So." I replied staring at the clock behind Cody's head. This wasn't what it was supposed to be like. He is my boyfriend. I can talk to him about anything. We were so close before anything happened. Now all of a sudden we were like polar opposites. Nothing to talk about. Nothing to say. Just plain silence.



A/N Hey everyone. I have no idea how many of you are still reading this. I'm going to finish it anyways. I need to finish it. But for anyone who is still reading please show your support and leave me feedback. It means so much.






~Aly4eva (Alyssa) <3

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