Why Me

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"Hey Josh, we need to talk. Call me back when you get a chance. Love you! Bye." I put down my phone and collapse on my bed burying my head into my pillow and start to cry.

My whole life is ruined now all because my dad had to get this stupid new promotion. Now I have to quit the Raiders( my softball travel team) and move from the only home I have known in Georgia to a small town in Texas.

My life might as well be-

"Bzzzz.....bzzzzzzz....." My phone starts ringing. " Hey Macy, I missed you today at school where were you?" Josh says as soon as I answer my phone.

"No time for explaining. Be at my house as soon as possible." I hang up.

Ugghhh why me?!
I just don't understand.

No other teenagers have to quit there whole life just because their parents got a new job.

Why is my life so complicated?

The door bell went off. I run and open the door. As soon as I see his face I start crying.

The tears just start running down. "Macy, what's wrong? You have been acting strange. What are all theses boxes anyway?"

I suck up my tears and we go sit on the couch.

"I've been wanting to tell you, but I have been waiting for the right time."

"Now, I have no choice. I am leaving in a week to go to Texas because my dad got a promotion..."

"I don't want to go but I have no choice." I start crying,AGAIN.

He gets up and storms out. " Josh wait!" I yell after him.

He slams the door and leaves. I didn't want it to end up like that. I should have told him when I first found out but I didn't want to.

I thought if I just held off for a while, maybe I wouldn't have to go.

I grab my phone, and call him. He doesn't answer. I keep trying. After I try, five times I give up.

Its worthless. It's Friday and we don't see each other until Monday at school, if I go. Maybe he will talk to me later.

We need to talk. He doesn't understand that I don't want to go. I haven't even told my team yet.

We have a tournament tomorrow and I guess afterwards would be a good time to tell them.

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