Think about that moment back, it's so awkward bruh I don't know how to face Kaella now... I need to control myself next time. Our science class will be started in a few minutes, hm I think it's time to show my true speed, introducing, my Kappa shoes, this shoe has great acceleration and lightweight, I should arrive at my class in just 2 minutes. I am running at the speed of light, everyone is looking at me, I feel like I am moving in slow motion, is this how superhero with fast ability feel? It is so cool woah, I might be a hero one day... Faekh the fast guy, hm yes that sounds neat. “Oh hi, I haven't seen you here before, by any chance, are you a new student?” Suddenly while I'm running, a teacher asked me that question. 'Ah yep, I just transferred here" tells me to her. "Oh I see, hope you will be enjoying your high school moment here!" Says her. "Thank you teacher! I'm sure I will" tells me to her.
Finally I arrived to class, Hei Sopheya! Kaella will be here soon, she is still with the nurse. "Ah okay, thank you for helping her Faekh" says her to me. *Knock knock* "hello everyone" says the teacher that just appeared without any warning, "Good morning Teacher Ayumie" says everyone,"today I will not be able to teach you guys because I will be joining an important meeting for school festival in few minutes, please let me borrow your ears, I will now give you guys a group project to do, we will need small animals and a small aquarium, you guys will make a habitat of the small animal in the aquarium, the deadline is on our future class" says her, "Pssst Faekh, are you free this evening?" Sopheya asks me, Yeah I am, I am actually free every day because I got no life. "Ah good! Let's hunt some bugs this evening, are you okay with that?" Ah sure! I will bring some snacks, so we can eat when our stomach starts making sounds." Okay!" Says her. "Hey heyyyyyyyyy hey can I join you guys?" Suddenly Ahlan head is next to my ear, what is he, a creep? "Sure Ahlan!, but what about your group?" Asks Sopheya. "Don't worry I told them already, and they are okay with it" says him... "Okay! Well meet you this evening okay?" Asks Sopheya,"yeah sure" replies Ahlan.
" Hey everyone, I want to join too suddenly Kaella voice can be heard, "hi Kaella! How is your injury?" Asks Ahlan, "it's getting better, the nurse told me to not using my hand too much at the moment" says her. "Ah then, meet you this evening Kaella" says Sopheya, "okay got it" replies Kaella.
Mhmm I don't really like group activities though, last time I did was bad… my existence there wasn't important and I was invincible and my group really left behind me without telling me… "Hey Faekh, what are you thinking about? You seem like in another decade" asked Sopheya, ah nothing really, I was thinking what should I bring this evening… "Curry pou, kaya pou, chocolate pou", "Shut up Kaellaaaa you are asking too muchhh" says Sopheya while tapping her head. "Sorry" replies Kaella… this girl has obsession with pou I guess… write that down write that down "Okay so where is our gathering place today?" Asks Ahlan, "can you guys come to my house? My house and the forest distance aren't that far" says Sopheya, Ah okayy got that. "Let's write down our schedule for now since we don't have other activities to do" says Ahlan. "Okay soooo how do we catch bugs?" Asks Sopheya… "Hmphhh Sopheya you don't seem like have any experiences in catching them" says Kaella in confident tone voice, "oh do you know how Kaella?" Asks Sopheya. "Yes, actually I catch bugs every day" says Kaella again… "PLEASE TELL US HOWW" screams Ahlan. "You guys are hopeless hmphm, first put food for example pizza, macaroni or spaghetti" what is this? Is she catching Italian bugs… " Then, wait for them land on the food and then BAAMMM cover the food with something as tupperware" says her, "MORON THAT'S FOR FLIES!! WE WON'T CATCH THEM FOR THIS PROJECTT" says Sopheya in high-pitched voice… "HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA" Ahlan laughed… well well I think we will just need bug catcher nets, I have some at my house, so I think you guys will not need to buy a new one. "Don't forget to bring those okay Faekh, we are counting on you!" Says Sopheya...
a loud and annoying bell sounds started, which means the school is now ended, bye all see you this evening okay… "See ya!" Says Ahlan. I think I did well for this moment, I got to know three friends, they all are good and friendly… thank you. I think this will be my life changing starter, thanks to dad, for transferred me to this unknown school… *Beeep* huh notification? From whom though, WOAHHHH THE NEW VERSION OF HEADPHONE IS NOW RELEASED!! I need to get this oneeeeeee!! Kappa Shoe, once again, please lend me your power of speed and acceleration. I need to get this brand-new headphone as soon as possible. HURAAAAAHHHHHHHHH I'm shouting to unleash the power of speed, the wind, the cars, the traffic light nothing will stop me… oh damn it's a green light, I need to wait, so I can cross the street. ONLINE MAP ACTIVATE!!! Hm hm the distance between me and the tech shop aren't so far, I will make it. 3… 2… 1… RED LIGHT LET'SSSS GOOOOOO!!! I can see the shop from here! It's huge!! From now on, I can listen to lofi songs better than before.
the shop automatic door opened by itself for me, hm thank you for helping me make me passing easier Door-Kun, there it is, a whole brand-new headphone, black coloured, come with mic, cat ear designed… this is what we call, a masterpiece. Oh! only one left, how lucky am I? Haha, thank you for helping me get here on time shoes, love you mwah. "Huwaaaa huwaaa" grating sound of someone crying, "mommm I want that headphoneeee!! " Says the kid to the mom, the mom is approaching me, is this a threat? Shoe-Chan I hope you are ready to do the rainbow kick that we were practicing a few months ago, show me your real power Shoe-chan… "Urm sorry, my son really want that headphone" what is this? Is she asking me for this headphone? "Can you let him get that please? He is just a child, pleaseeee" asks the mom, oh yeah sure, here you go miss, thank y- SIKEEEEE this is mine kid BLEKKKK :P !!! If you want this you should come earlier HO HO HO byee I'm gonna buy this now haha "HUWAAAAAAA MOMMMM" the kid continues to cry… geez kid these days, don't know how to come in time, how will the future generation be huh.
Woah the technology really is improving, "hye sir is this the only thing you are buying?" Asks the Cashier… Yes yes, here the money. "Thank you for buying from our shop sir, please come again next time "says the Cashier. Okay time to put this headphone on, *zwoooooooosh* the sound, the quality, is this what we call perfection? The sound coming from this headphone makes me feel levitating woah. Okay now I need to go to my house to prepare for this evening, trees is standing next to each other, blue skies, hm this evening might will be fun! "Brother I want this, I want thisss" a little girl voice can be heard, hey what's the problem?, This claw machine game is hard, I spent a lot of money already but still couldn't manage to get the doll she wants" says the brother, hm hm let me try, which one do you want small girl? "That one… the one with orange hat" says her stuttering. Owh I see, Let's see If can get that, first, go to left, now move straight, GOOOOOOO!!!! *Eeeeeeeeeet* I GOT IT!!! YEAYYY, "YEAYYYYY!!! You are epic!!" Says the little girl, hm hm thank you, here is the doll that you wanted, "what really?" Asks his bro, here, take it little girl, "thank y-' SIKEEEEE HO HO HO get it by yourself bruh, "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime… hm Wise Faekh, I'm proud of myself".
What will I do with this doll anyway? I will just give it to my future wife I think, she will be like "AWHHHH Faekh, you are so cute, thanks for thissss, I LOVE YOU!" ahhhhh I want a wifeeee. I'm walking… yeah I'm walking… this morning was a miracle, I met a gorgeous girl, a friendly guy, and a cute girl ahhhhh my life starting to be beautiful I can say. Also, I need to figure out how to deal with Brian, he might will get jealous if I'm close with Sopheya, hmm I'll discuss about it with Ahlan later. here I am now, my house, it's still empty though, just like my heart… I need to change my clothes now, what should I be wearing though… a jersey maybe, I will post something on my social media, yes this bunny doll! It's selfie time Bunny chan, *click* woahh you look so cuteee in this picture Bunny! Ha ha still not beating me though, what should the caption be? Yes * got a doll for my wife <3 * posttt!!! I know I will get many likes, mhmm there are the nets, one two three four, AHA IT'S ENOUGH! Hm hm told you all can count on me… wait… I don't know where is Sopheya house- … *Beeep* "hello Faekh, my house is at No 78,Roadteem Neighbourhood, sorry I forget to tell you before!* A message from her… wow… my first text that I got from a girl… eh how did she know my social media account? *How did you find my account* sent, "your username is your name Faekh…" oh so that's how she found my username… *beep beep Beeep* "look at this guy, he doesn't even has a girlfriend and talking bout wife" "AHAHAHAH I know right!" Geez… posted that was a bad decision… I want to commit not living… sherlock...
Okay, Let's go there, my lovely and pretty Bicycle-Kun, I need your help today okay, please take me there safely. Engine, check! Tire, check! Brake, check! We're now ready to get off, let's go to Sopheya houseeeee!!!! ONLINE MAPP ACTIVATEEE!!!! "Your location is on 2 kilometers, hm not so far, Guys, I'm coming!!!! Wait for me!!! "Turn left" Okay online map!! Thanks for telling me! Wait woah… this neighborhood… it's a rich people place, am I allowed to be here… "Hey what's your business here?" Ask the security guy, urm I'm Sopheya friend, we will be having group project soon, "oh okay, please give me your id and you can get in" says the security, Okay, here It is, "okay, make sure to not do anything bad okay" the security warns me, okay sir! Which one is her house again… based on the address she gave- it's wo- this left me speechless… the house is so freaking big WOAHHHHHH!!! Where is the bell? I don't know… Hellooo Sopheya? It's me Faekh! "Oh hiii Faekh!" Suddenly a voice came out from a shape shaped thing that looks like a box… this must be rich people things.
"Heii Faekh!!!" The voice is Ahlan, I know it. Eh! he's with Kaella??? What are they? A Couple?
Aha, I bumped Kaella at the security guy place, she had trouble passing him… he asked for her ID but she got panic and couldn't find the ID, it's so funny if you were there, "shut up" says Kaella, "Aha sorry miss shortie" tells him, *BAM* a slap that seems as fast as cheetah hit Ahlan face, "ouchhhh" says Ahlan… "Kaella, you are a dandere" tells me in my heart, I don't know from where was that dandere thing coming… "Urm guys, I have a bad news" says Sopheya, what is it Sopheya? "Urm my grandparents pays a visit and invites me to watch a movie with them, I told them I can't follow them because we have bug hunting but the said it's okay just bring them with them" Sopheya explains the situation. Aha I see, "are you guys okay with that?" "Yes" "yes", Ahlan and Kaella agrees to her, I will agree to then, yeah Kaella let's have fun with your grandparents, we can do bug hunting tomorrow maybe. "Hi young cuties, I am Sopheya grandma, please get in our car" she says while smiling, we all getting in the car. This is my first time going out with friends wow, I am a normal teen now, GRANDMA THANK YOU FOR BRINGING ME WITH YOU! "It's okay it's okay young guy" says the grandma, "your Grandpa want to watch the new horror movie that released today Sopheya" says the grandma, "ohh okayy" says Sopheya
"The movie is staring by my crush, Atika Maee" says the grandpa… "What the heck old man, your wife here is not dead yet" replies the grandma, "pssst they are cute together" whispers Ahlan… yo Ahlan, "yes?" I want a wife… "From where did that come" asks him, don't worry, forget that… "Here we are, the cinema, everyone makes sure you don't leave anything worthy in grandpa car okay!" Warns the grandma… "Hey my sweet pie, let's buy popcorn for them together" says the grandpa, "oh yes let's go my cute man" grandma replies" "Uh sorry guys" says Sopheya, "it's okay Sopheya, I want to watch a movie too" says Kaella while showing peace sign, she's so cute what the heck. Kaella is making a bun hairstyle, but I don't know if she's serious while making it… why is it looking like a hmmm ant nest- but who's cares, she's still cute. "Hey Sopheya are your parents bakers?" Suddenly a question came out from Ahlan mouth, "eh nopee, why?" Sopheya asks, oh because your parents make a cutie pie hehe, WOAH WHAT, AHLAN USED PICKUP LINE "HAHAHAHA that's smooth, thank you though" says Sopheya. "Haha got you" says Ahlan, what is this, woah… let me try too! Kael- "no" she answered before I finish my words, ouch that hurts… "Hey hey Kaella don't be like that" says Sopheya… "Oh sorry" says her again, it's okay it's okay, but deep inside, I'm dying. "Here the ticket cuties!" Says the grandma, "woah thank you!" Shouts Ahlan, "don't mention it" says the grandpa, "let's go inside first baby" says the grandma to grandpa, "meet you there kids, don't be late!" Says the grandpa, they sure are lovey-dovey, "yeah they been always like that" says Sopheya."let's go in" says Kaella, she seems excited about this movie.
"See you all there" says Kaella, she's now running- IN NARUTO STYLE, there's a weird side of her that I don't know, "Rarely see her having fun right Sopheya?" Ahlan asks Sopheya, "Mhmm it's fun to see her having fun like right now" says her, "let's go" says Ahlan… *there is the cinema room! Room Number 8" says Ahlan, as we walk in, I can see Kaella concentrate on the screen even though- it's still black… "Okay Faekh you will be sitting in the middle of Kaella and Me" says Ahlan, hmm I don't get to sit next to Sopheya but it's okay, hmm, "let's enjoy this movie!" Says Sopheya, Kaella still looking at the black screen with her eyes opened wide… she's- she's cute… our activity changed, from bug hunting to watch a movie, well it's going to be fun though, I'm sure. "Please turn off your phone and be quiet, I hope you all will enjoy this movie, thank you" says the cinema staff, Kaella legs are moving, her hands too, she's like a kid that can't wait to get new toys! CUTEEE AAAAAAA….
The movie is now playing, the movie is about two school students trying to survive the Dracula apocalypse… never heard Dracula apocalypse though but it's okay… hm the story is kinda slow though *RAAAAGHHHHHHH* "AAAAAAAHHHHH" went out without warning, a jumpscare succeed to makes Sopheya screams, "hey hey it's okay, it was just a zombie Sopheya" says Ahlan
Mhmm Ahlan is good at comforting too woah, but there is something weird...
His pants are now wet, did Sopheya water accidentally fell on him? No- "psst Faekh" Ahlan whispered to me, "cover my spot, I need to go bathroom" tells him.
Oh sherlock, HE PISSED HIS PANTS, sorry Ahlan, I think this movie is little bit too much for you, I don't hear anything from the other side, HEHHHHH Kaella just smiling HAHAHAHAHAHA she's so cute oh geez, I think she loves horror movies, well have fun Kaella. I wonder what will Ahlan do with his pants. Poor Ahlan. "Oh Qader, please stay with me" the girl actor begging for Qader, the guy character to stay alive after get beaten by Dracula, "No, sorry, I can't do this, go, run away!" Says Qader, "NOOOO BITE ME TOO PLEASE, LET'S BE DRACULA TOGETHER!!" says the girl, *aum* *THE END* what… the ending, it's, bruhhhh what type of ending is THISSSSS???? *CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP* Kaella, who's sitting next to me clapping loudly and smiling wide, sorry Kaella I think I am not enjoying this movie with my whole heart. On the other side, Sopheya and Ahlan is crying, the grandpa and the grandma… WHY ARE THEY TWO SLEEPING?!! "Okay let's go out now" says Sopheya, we are all walking out, "how was the movie young people" the grandpa ask, "IT WAS INTERESTING!!! I LOVE THE ENDING, I LOVE THE OPENING AND EVERYTHING" screams Sopheya… "Aha you sure are enjoying this Kaella" says Sopheya, this is the rare side of Kaella I think… "Okay let's go home now" says the grandpa, "the girlfriend, she's so loyal HUWAAAAA" says Ahlan while sobbing, yes she is dude, I'm tapping his shoulder and why are him even crying… "Hey hey guys, Kaella is sleeping" whispers Sopheya, "let us see" says Ahlan… she's nuts be tired after enjoying the movie haha, "yes, watching having fun really makes me happy" says Sopheya, "we can do this together again later you know" Says Ahlan… ah sureee count me in bro, today is a gift, thank you again dad, I am now living like a normal teenager… "Okayy we have arrived now" says Sopheya "hey Sopheya we will be going home now, byeee!" Says Ahlan "THANK YOU FOR TAKING ME TO THE CINEMA SOPHEYA GRANDPARENTS!" Kaella shouts, "aha it's not a problem" says the grandma, "be careful everyone!" says the grandpa, ight see you guys tomorrow at school! "Goodbye Faekh!" Says Ahlan while waving… ah today was a good day, can't wait to meet them again tomorrow!

Project : Life Restart
Humor( CHAPTER 7 IS IN THE MAKING ) I DONT KNOW HOW TO MAKE STORY DESCRIPTION!!! (~ ̄³ ̄)~ well here :> A guy is transferring to a new city, new school, and is meeting new friends. Can he be able to live a happy simple life with his friends and his one and...