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Eda felt restless.... She had changed into an oversized t shirt. There were clean tooth brush in the washroom. New hair care accessories were also present probably due to instructions by SerkanBolat to the housekeeper.
Eda tossed and turned but she wasn't able to sleep a wink even after an hour.
She felt miserable on her outburst and the turn of events.
A moment later she heard little sound of clutter from outside.... Probably from kitchen. So Eda slowly went out of her bed into the kitchen.
Serkan was making coffee.
Sensing her presence he turned,,,, but didn't say anything.
"You couldn't sleep either huh" Eda said.
"I was working.... Needed coffee... You want" Serkan said coolly, not looking at her.
"I will take some warm milk... It will help me sleep" Eda said....
Both said at the same time.

They both settled in the lounge couch... With their respective cups.... Eda waited for serkan to say something.... But since he didn't start... She went on to say,
"Serkan I didn't want to talk shit about you sleeping with Selin.... It's your private business. I am sorry I was disoriented.... Saying nonsense. I just wasn't ready for our closeness.... You do understand me. I did not want to judge you.... If I gave you any wrong signs I m sorry... "Eda was having difficulty expressing but she tried her best to explain.

" Okay Eda, first of all I have no intention or interest in complicating our relationship... I am also very sorry for going out of control because of some stupid sexual desire" SerkanBolat was even having bigger difficulty to accept his mistake.

He continued, "Eda you are different than the kind of women I go out with. You are not the type of woman I mix up with, or date or pay attention to. It's by coincidence that we are together for some period of time. I will try my best not to make it complex."

"Yes I am absolutely sure I am not exactly your type of woman... But we should try to get along.... Talk you know. You keep giving me on and off signals.... Sometimes you pay me attention and you're nice to me. Then you regret it and behave like an ass" Eda told him sadly.

"I think I am guilty of that.... I am not a very open person.... I don't get along with everyone. Since you and I have been thrown together against our will.... If unintentionally I start to get along with you I get reminded of the fact next moment that it's an an unwanted thing. So you better get used to it" Serkan was not ready to make any changes in his attitude.

"Okay I understand your behavior.... But you can't expect me to go along with whatever and whenever you want. You want me to come to your home... Act as a wife... Attend parties act happy in love. I can't be that if you can't even be civil to me or talk to me. If you're so arrogant I can't be cheerful. I am not an actress " Eda was exhausted by now.

" I will try Eda... I will try. Also I want to clear that Selin is not my girlfriend... She's a family friend and my PR manager. A long time ago I used to date her but it didn't work out. She's actually seeing Ferit. So don't think nonsense about it" Serkan further clarified. It bothered him tremendously that Eda suspected he was with some other women and still kissing her.

This made Eda smile.... So she was jealous for nothing she thought. Her mood lifting.
"Thanks for telling me... I was wrong assuming it on my own.....By the way how come you found me in the club? "

"I came with a friend... I saw you so I stayed he left" Serkan made a lame story but she believed. Serkan watched her smile... And it suddenly made him happy.... relieved happy. 

Eda stretched on the couch.... "Serkan can I watch some TV... I m not sleepy at all"

"Off course... But aren't you tired" Serkan was amused at her childish desire.

"Oh no... It's weekend... I always watch late night movies... I hope I won't disturb you though" Eda suddenly remembered.

"I have no problem" ... Serkan turned on the screen. Passing the remote to Eda. He opened his laptop too so he could continue his work sitting besides Eda.

He got engrossed in the work... He checked on Eda once or twice,,,, she was watching "pretty woman" re run on the movie channel.

A little while later he noticed that she had dozed off.... Sleeping peacefully. She looked beautiful and serkan was again amused on her casual behavior. She was sleeping like a baby with her head turned on the arm rest. Her long hair all spread over her face and back.
Serkan turned off his laptop. Brought a light quilt to cover Eda. Covering her up.... He settled her hair away from her face. At the same moment she smiled in her sleep leaving him mesmerized. He felt certain urge to lie down with her....

Thinking what the hell.... He was tired and wanted to enjoy this peaceful nap for himself too..... He got down on the couch with her.
Amazingly the sleep came instantly for Serkan too..... Even though he was insomniac and had sleeping issues. They both slept side by side on the couch.... Covered in the same quilt.

       UNWANTED DESTINY (edser AU) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now