The storm

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Welcome to The storm

I would just like to get some things clear before you read ,please this would be very important in order to avoid confusion further in the book so lets begin,

1a) This book is not to promote racisim in anyway, trust me when I say this I'm very african so I know what racisim does.

1b) This book was written to not promote \ UNPROMOTE all the bad things like, suicide,suicidal thought, murder etc ......I'm not promoting these things I'm just creating awareness and talking against it.

2) I have not fully editted everything so you would see mistakes and all , I'm sorry but I hope that you just bear with me .

3) The storm is fictional everything from this book down for the names are completely fictional so if you know anyone bearing these exact names or have a story related to them it is coincidental.

4)This book is under copyrights, if you don't know what the word 'copyright' is , It is the legal right to be the only one to reproduce, publish, and sell a book, musical recording, etc., for a certain period of time.

5) I would like to advise that we read the authors note at the beginning of the chapter because I might fast foward the time a little bit bit rarely and I hardly right authors note .

6) voting ,commenting and sharing are allowed including following on all social media handles 😂 but it all by choice .

7) if you are having problems or not under standing some certain things not only the book talk to me ,I'm here to help ,except when I'm in school 🤪 or busy at the time.

8) it would also be advisavle to pay attention to little details to help great under standing.

9) this book also contains of bad words\ languages ,if this makes you uncomfortable then I would recommend leaving.

Welp thats it ,you may poceed .....

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