Chapter 1

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Kimberly awoke suddenly from a bad dream. She groaned and turned over to look at the clock. 2:32am. ugh she thought. This was the 4th night in a row she'd woken from the same horrid dream. She got up to go to her kitchen in her small apartment. It wasn't much but she also wasn't the one paying for it. Her boss provided it to her because she didn't want to live at the dorms with all the other assassin's. She successfully got to the kitchen in the dark without running into anything or knocking anything over. She turned the kitchen light on and went to get a cup and pour herself some water from the fridge. She looked over to her window. It took up the whole wall and was her favorite part about this apartment. There was a view of the whole city. All of the late-night bars open with their neon lights on. Lights on in apartment buildings where others were up doing God knows what. This. This is what makes it all worth it Kim thought to herself. She ended up falling back asleep on the couch listening to the buzzing city below.

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. Kimberly awoke to a knocking at her door. She look over at the clock which read 7:56. What the hell is anyone doing waking me up at 8 in the morning. It's the weekend for Christ's sake. She stomped her way to the door. It was times like this when she had to remind herself to control her power. If she didn't then things could get very out of control, very quickly. She opened the door to two purples. A boy and a girl. Probably siblings. Fortune Tellers she thought. She had never liked them very much. She'd always thought they were just ripping off people for their money and giving them false fortunes. The girl spoke up first.
"Hi," the girl didn't even seem to notice Kim's hair. Most people would be afraid,"Are you Kimberly Caddel?"
"The one and only," Kim replied. seriously who are these people.
"Well i'm Karina and this is my brother Calvin." She was totally unintimidated by Kimberly. This really threw Kim off her balance and she didn't really know how to act. In fact, this girl acted as if she was superior to her. Which would be crazy, given that Kim was one of seven of the most powerful people in the world. Her brother still hadn't said a word.
"Well I would say it was nice to meet you but, it is 8am on a Saturday morning and i was trying to sleep."
The brother- Calvin- spoke up. "Sorry about that, we were just passing through and through we would just go ahead and come by. So- uh. Would you wanna go get coffee with us?" The sister-Karina- cut in, "We can wait while you get dressed"
Were these people serious. Kimberly looked down at herself. She was wearing black and white flannel pants with a pink sweatshirt. Plus her hair probably looked a mess. She hadn't even looked in the mirror yet that morning. why the hell not at this point Kim thought to herself it's not like i have anything better to do. "Sure. why not. Meet me in the lobby in 15min." and she shut the door.

Once Kimberly was dressed- white tennis skirt and a beige vintage sweatshirt- she headed down to the lobby. Luckily the elevator was empty so she didn't have to wait on anyone. Sure enough, Karina and Calvin were in the lobby, sitting on one of the couches. Once she reached where they were sitting, Karina was the first to speak up. "That was 18min"
"Sorry i actually try to look nice," Kim snapped back. These people woke her up on a Saturday morning asking to go get coffee and that girl has the audacity to comment on her being 3 minutes later than she said she would be. Karina gave her a withering glare and Kim stared right back. This girl was not going to intimidate her. She was the most powerful, most skilled, most deadly assassin in New York. In the whole US for that matter.
They walked out together silently and went to catch a cab. Kim didn't know which coffee place they were going to. She'd been to them all. Though, her favorite was Ground Central Coffee Co. They had the best Chocolate chip mocha frappe. They all spent the cab ride in silence and eventually the cab stopped. They all got out onto the sidewalk and Kim looked over. yes! she thought because they were at Ground Central. "This place is my favorite how did you know!" Kimberly exclaimed.
Karina and Calvin both look over at her with looks of wonder and confusion. Karina spoke up (Kim was noticing that she did most of the talking),"Really? This place is our favorite too."
"Well how about that!" Kim gave them both a warm smile. She was pretty sure that was the first time she'd smile that morning. Let alone at two strangers.
The got a table inside right by the window. They exchanged easy conversation, to Kim's surprise been that they'd gotten off to a rough start. Kim realised she needed to pee so she excused herself from the table and headed to the bathroom.

Calvin looked over at Karina. He could finally talk freely now that Kimberly was gone to the bathroom. He actually really liked her. While she may be intimidating... and probably more powerful than he could yet comprehend... she actually seemed like a very nice person. "We have to tell her, Kar," he said to his sister.
"Not yet"
"The longer we put it off the harder it's gonna be"
"We need to not scare her off, Cal. Or even worse she doesn't believe us and tries to kill us for lying."
"I don't think she would try to kill us"
"You don't know her"
"Neither do you!" Calvin retorted. Kar was right. They didn't know her which was why they should tell her now instead of later when they'll be worried about her feelings or what she'll think of them. Karina finally responded, " Fine. We'll tell her before we leave."
"Tell who what?," Kimberly asked having just walked up with a suspicious look on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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