10 - Fate

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Samantha had been sitting in the dark cuddling with Luna and feeling sorry for herself when she got his text. She missed him too. Especially after everything became awkward with Hope. She needed to respond to him but couldn't summon up the courage.

She had been stalking him online since before they had sex. He attended a lot of charity events. When she saw a picture of him dancing with his wife the previous night, she could see he was unhappy. His lips were turned up, but he was pretending. When he smiled, his hazel eyes shined, but they were dull. Then it hit her. He was texting her, while at a charity event dressed in a tuxedo.

She had put off the inevitable long enough. It was time. She paced, waiting for the time to pass. Luna picked up on her mood, and she decided they both needed a walk.

What did afternoon mean? It could mean three or four o'clock. Could she wait that long? When the buzzer vibrated through her small apartment, Luna barked. She took a deep breath and released the door. She quickly sprinted to the bathroom to check herself in the mirror. It was too late to fix the bags under her eyes.

Luna ran to the door when she heard the knock. Stepping out of the bathroom, Sam took a deep breath meant to calm her. "Come in."

When he entered, she froze. He looked like crap, but gorgeous at the same time. He studied her.

"Have you been sick?" His voice was full of concern. Luna sniffed at his feet. Did she remember him? She didn't answer as she watched him bend over and scratched her dog's head.

"Have you?"

He winced. "I drank more than I should have last night."

"Before or after, you texted me?"


The way he looked down at his shoes reminded her of when she caught a student not following the rules. Chase was a drinker, but she didn't expect RJ to be one. "Do you drink often?"

"The last time I drank like that, I was in a fraternity." He shook his head.


"Just that's another thing to blame on her. I've lost touch with all my frat brothers." He rubbed his chin. "I could reconnect, but based on their Christmas cards, they're all busy with their kids. But that's not why you asked me here."

She shook her head and wanted to ask him a list of questions, but there was a purpose for his visit. "Do you want to sit?"

He didn't move. Instead, he blurted. "Just tell me if you've changed your mind."

Did she change her mind? It was complicated. Hope was the one who convinced her not to see him, but now she was nagging her to talk to him. Would he be angry or happy or some place in between?

"It's hard, because I believe you about your marriage, but it is still a marriage. We had a fling?"

His eyes bore into hers. "I thought we were friends. I..." He shook his head, defeated.

"I did too, but..."

"But what?"

"My friend made me realize how wrong it was to have an affair. I've been angry with my mother for possibly doing the same thing."

He looked down. "You said it was different, because your father loved her."

"It was different, but will you ever leave her?"

"I don't know. Something will have to change. I can't let her..."

"Let her what?"

He took a deep breath that he exhaled slowly. "Ruin my brother."

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