14 - Main course

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Sam sat across from RJ sipping her tea.

"They have what I wish I could have with you." He referred to his parents.

She believed every word he said. When he told her he loved her, she knew it was true. Spending the weekend with him was wonderful, but it wasn't real. In the back of her mind, she knew he would go home to the witch. He would leave her in her dungeon - her tiny, shitty apartment - waiting for his next visit.

While he spent a good part of their second day playing golf and visiting with his friend, she felt the doubt creep back in. That morning before he left, he had showered and shaved. Watching him shave had become her favorite thing, and it wasn't just because he only wore a towel. It was the scents and the sound of the razor scraping across his beautiful face. There was intimacy watching him, but in the recesses of her mind she knew he belonged to another woman. A woman who must have watched him shave countless times. Could she be happy always being the other woman? Was the way she felt when she was with him enough?

She called Hope and her friend sounded excited to hear from her.

"So how's your romantic getaway?"

"It's really nice. Hope, I know it isn't right, but it feels right." She debated saying anything more, but impulse overruled. "He loves me. He told me."

"You have only known him for four months and half of it you weren't together!"

"I know, but he is amazing and perfect and..."

"He's not perfect. You're going to get hurt. I'm worried."

"Don't you think I know that, but it hurt when I let him go before. I can't do it again."

She sighed through the phone. "You love him, don't you?"

"Yes, more than I ever did Chase. This is real."

"It's wrong."

"It's complicated. He told me he would set me up financially."

Hope scoffed, "He's nothing but a sugar daddy."

"Well, he's my baby's daddy, and he loves us. He really wants our baby. He will never not want to be a part of her life."


Sam laughed. "I like to say 'her' because RJ always says 'him'. It's a game."

"God, Sam, none of this is a game. You need to be careful. I really need to meet him. Have you mentioned it to him yet?"

"No, but I will. I'll let you go. But listen, Hope, don't worry about me. I'm really happy. How's Luna?" Hope reassured her that her dog was fine.

It was true she was really happy when she didn't think about the future. Was he just a sugar daddy? Was the money he mentioned a payoff? She heard him on the phone while she was trying on clothes. Access to kids and money were all negotiable in his world. She had received money for giving up the dog. She grew up comfortable, but not with the wealth he had. Her family lived in a neighborhood with big colonials and large green lawns cut by landscaping services. Like their neighbors, they went on nice vacations every year. He probably grew up in a mansion. Both his father's and mother's families had money. She would never fit into his world, but the man she knew fit perfectly into hers.

She heard him call his friend. He was RJ to her, but Trey to his friends. Of course, she had picked the name. Did he want to be Trey? Did he enjoy playing pretend? She exhausted herself with questions and worries.

She woke to RJ lying beside her. He was on his side watching her sleep. When her eyes fluttered opened, he smiled.

He whispered in the dark room. "Hi."

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